Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 43 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 The Group was included in “Fortune China Top 500 list” for the sixth consecutive years, ranked 259 th , rising 70 places compared to 2019 The Company’s MSCI ESG ranking moved up from “BB” to “BBB” The Company was awarded the “The Most Remarkable Investor Relations Recognition (Hang Seng Index Category)” at “Quam IR Awards 2019” The Company ranked 1 st in the “Best Investor Relations Program” for the fifth consecutive year, ranked top three in the “Best CEO”, “Best CFO”, “Best IR Professional”, “Best IR Team” and “Best ESG” and awarded the title of “Most Honored Company” among all-Asia Technology/Hardware companies by the US magazine, Institutional Investor. The Company was included in “Hang Seng China Enterprises Index” and “Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index” The Company was awarded the “Best TMT Company” at the 5 th “Golden Hong Kong Stocks Awards” 本集團連續第六年入圍《財富》中國 500 強排行 榜,位列第 259 位,較二零一九年上升 70 位 本公司的 MS C I E S G 評級從「 B B 」提高至 「 BBB 」 本公司於「華富卓越投資者關係大獎 2019 」評 選活動中榮獲「投資者關係大獎(恒生指數類 別)」 本公司連續第五年蟬聯美國《機構投資者》雜 誌亞洲科技╱硬件類公司「最佳投資者關係公 司」第一名,並榮登「最佳行政總裁」、「最佳財 務總監」、「最佳投資者關係專才」、「最佳投資 者關係團隊」及「最佳環境、社會及管治」的榜 單,均位列前三甲,並榮獲「最受尊敬公司」的 稱號。 本公司被納入「恒生中國企業指數」和「恒生可 持續發展企業基準指數」 本公司於第五屆「金港股」評選中榮獲「最佳 TMT 公司」