Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 44 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 OUTLOOK AND FUTURE STRATEGIES Looking forward to 2021, the global economic environment is still complex and severe, and companies are still under heavy pressure. However, the smartphone and vehicle industries will regain growth, and cutting-edge technologies such as machine vision and AI will flourish. As such, the Directors are of the view that 2021 will continue to be a year of challenges and opportunities. The management of the Group will closely monitor the changes in development of the industry and market, to seize opportunities brought by technological innovations. Leveraging on the transformation and upgrade of the business, the Group aims to continue to take its advantages of scale, technology, resources as well as talents, and implement all formulated development strategies thoroughly, in order to achieve the continuous and stable growth of the Group. 1. Further enhance the market competitiveness, strengthen and expand the existing advantageous businesses – Devote in the R&D and usage of new technologies and new materials, speed up the iteration in development of new products and new specifications, challenge and take over the “vantage point” of the industry; – Commit to enhancing technological skills and their applications in manufacturing process; improving the first pass yield and product quality, realise speedy delivery with high quality; and – Strive for lowering the product costs continuously, pay attention to the composition of cost and cost control in every step from product design to delivery. 2. Enhance refined management and continue to improve the quality of operation Refined management is required to organise activities such as development and design, engineering technology, manufacturing, material procurement and delivery. Through enhancing refined management, the Company can realise distinct division of duties and clear workflow under a common goal, and will eventually achieve high operating efficiency, cost-effective products and continuous improvement of operating quality. 展望及未來策略 展望二零二一年,全球經濟環境仍將複雜和嚴 峻,企業仍面臨重重壓力。然而,智能手機和 汽車行業將重拾增長,機器視覺、 AI 等前沿技 術更將蓬勃發展。因此,董事認為,二零二一 年仍是挑戰與機遇並存的一年。本集團管理層 將密切關注行業及市場的發展變化,把握科技 創新所帶來的機遇,以業務轉型升級為契機, 繼續發揮規模、技術、資源和人才等優勢,貫 徹執行所制定的發展戰略,以實現本集團持續 穩健的發展。 1 、進一步提升市場競爭力,做強、做 大現有優勢業務 - 致力於新技術、新材料的研發和使 用,加快新產品、新規格的開發迭 代,衝擊並佔領行業制高點; - 致力於工藝技術的提升和在製造過程 中的應用;提高直行率和產品品質, 實現快速的高品質交付;及 - 致力於產品成本的持續下降,從產品 設計到產品交付的各個環節重視成本 的組成和成本的控制。 2 、深化精細化管理,持續提升經營質 量 開發設計、工程技術、製造、物料採購、 交付等組織在管理上追求精細化。通過深 化精細化管理,做到職責明確,流程清 晰,目標一致,最終實現公司高效率的運 營、高性價比的產品,持續提升經營品質。