Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 51 Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 Mr. Zhang Guoxian ( 張國賢 ), aged 55, is the assistant of the President of the Company. Mr. Zhang graduated from Yuyao Huancheng School in 1983 and joined the Group since his graduation. Mr. Zhang attended the seminar of EMBA in Zhejiang University from July 2004 to July 2005 and obtained the relevant completion certificate. Prior to being appointed as the assistant of the President, Mr. Zhang held positions including deputy general manager, executive deputy general manager and general manager of Sunny Zhejiang Optics. Ms. Wong Pui Ling ( 黃佩玲 ), aged 39, is the Joint Company Secretary, senior investor relations director, authorised representative and agent of the Company. Ms. Wong is primarily responsible for company secretarial matters and investor relations’ matters. Ms. Wong joined the Group in July 2007. Ms. Wong has more than 10 years of experience in financial reporting, accounting, auditing and investor relations. Ms. Wong is a qualified accountant and is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Wong holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a postgraduate diploma in finance and law from the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Wu Jun ( 吳俊 ), aged 55, is a general manager of Sunny Zhejiang Optics, Sunny Shanghai Optics and Sunny OmniLight Technology. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Zhejiang Optics, Sunny Shanghai Optics and Sunny OmniLight Technology. Mr. Wu graduated with a bachelor’s degree in optical instruments from Shanghai Institute of Mechanism in 1986. He later obtained a qualification as a senior engineer by the Personnel Bureau of Zhejiang in 1999. Prior to joining the Group in March 1997, Mr. Wu worked in Jiangxi Optics Instrument General Factory ( 江西光學儀器總廠 ) for 10 years as research officer and chief of quality control. Mr. Zhang Zhiping ( 張志平 ), aged 52, is a general manager of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. Mr. Zhang graduated from Hunan Radio and Television University in 1992. Prior to joining the Group in April 2006, Mr. Zhang acted as the deputy factory manager in Sintai Optical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ( 信泰光學(深圳)有限公司 ). 張國賢先生, 55 歲,為公司總裁助理。張先 生於一九八三年畢業於餘姚環城中學,並於畢 業後加入本集團。張先生於二零零四年七月至 二零零五年七月間參加了浙江大學 EMBA 研修 班學習,並獲得相關結業證書。獲任總裁助理 前,張先生曾任舜宇浙江光學副總經理、常務 副總經理及總經理等職務。 黃佩玲女士, 39 歲,為本公司聯席公司秘書、 投資人關係高級總監、授權代表及代理人,主 要負責公司秘書事務兼投資人關係事務。黃女 士於二零零七年七月加入本集團。黃女士於財 務匯報、會計、核數及投資人關係方面擁有十 多年經驗。黃女士為一名合資格會計師,為 特許公認會計師公會會員及香港會計師公會會 員。黃女士持有香港中文大學的工商管理學士 學位,並在香港大學取得財務及法律深造文憑。 吳俊先生, 55 歲,為舜宇浙江光學總經理、 舜宇上海光學總經理及舜宇奧來技術總經理, 負責舜宇浙江光學、舜宇上海光學及舜宇奧來 技術的日常經營管理事務。吳先生於一九八六 年畢業於上海機械學院,取得光學儀器學士學 位。吳先生在一九九九年於浙江省人事廳取得 高級工程師資格。在一九九七年三月加入本集 團前,吳先生於江西光學儀器總廠擔任研究員 及品質監控主管達十年。 張志平先生, 52 歲,為舜宇中山光學總經理, 負責舜宇中山光學的日常經營管理事務。張先 生於一九九二年畢業於湖南廣播電視大學。在 二零零六年四月加入本集團前,張先生於信泰 光學(深圳)有限公司任副廠長。