Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 60 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 附註: 董事均親身出席所有會議,而非由代替者出 席。 在董事會定期會議舉行前,本公司會諮詢各董 事須列入議程的事項。董事會定期會議的日期 均於召開前最少 14 日前落實,給予全體董事充 裕之通知以確保其有機會出席,而所有其他董 事會會議則會作出合理通知。所有董事會會議 及委員會會議的會議記錄由公司秘書保管,而 會議記錄初稿及終稿於會議後合理時間內寄發 予全體董事,分別供其提供意見及作記錄之用。 於二零二零年年內,作為奉行最佳常規的部分 工作,全體董事就本集團若干業務發展進行電 子通訊。該安排確保可迅速及適時地向董事提 供資料,以補足正規的董事會會議。 THE ATTENDANCE OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD Regular meetings of the Board were held. During the year, the Board convened 4 meetings having considered the business developments and the needs of the Company. In addition, special meetings of the Board would be held when necessary. Details of each of the Director’s attendance record in full meetings of the Board are as follows: Name of Director Full meeting of the Board of Directors No. of attendance by Directors (Note)/ No. of meetings 董事姓名 董事會全體會議 董事出席次數(附註)╱會議次數 Mr. Wang Wenjian (Honorary Chairman) 王文鑒先生 (名譽主席 ) 4/4 Mr. Ye Liaoning (Chairman) 葉遼寧先生 (主席 ) 4/4 Mr. Sun Yang 孫泱先生 4/4 Mr. Wang Wenjie 王文杰先生 4/4 Mr. Zhang Yuqing 張余慶先生 4/4 Mr. Feng Hua Jun 馮華君先生 4/4 Mr. Shao Yang Dong 邵仰東先生 4/4 Note: All of the meetings were attended by the Directors themselves, and not by an alternate. Directors are consulted for matters to be included in the agenda for regular Board meetings. Dates of regular Board meetings are scheduled at least 14 days in advance to provide sufficient notices to all Directors, ensuring that they are given an opportunity to attend. For all other Board meetings, reasonable notices will be given. Minutes of all Board meetings and meetings of committees are kept by the Company Secretary. Drafts and final versions of minutes are sent to all Directors for their comments and record respectively, in both cases within a reasonable time after the meetings. During the year of 2020, as part of the commitment to best practices, all Directors attended electronic correspondences in respect of certain business development of the Group. Such arrangement ensured fast and timely provision of information to Directors, to supplement the formal Board meetings. 董事會會議出席記錄 董事會定期舉行會議。於年內,董事會基於業 務發展及本公司需要共召開 4 次董事會會議。 此外,董事會亦會在有需要時舉行特別董事會 會議。各董事出席董事會全體會議的詳細記錄 如下: