Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 61 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 BOARD COMMITTEES The Boa r d has es t ab l i shed and de l ega t ed au t ho r i t i es and responsibilities to four specific committees with written terms of reference to assist the Board to perform its functions effectively, namely the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and Strategy and Development Committee. The terms of reference for Board committees have been published on the Group’s website ( and the website of the HKEXnews of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (http://www.hkexnews. hk) for shareholders to review. NOMINATION COMMITTEE The Company has established a Nomination Committee with written terms of reference. The Nomination Committee comprises 3 members, namely Mr. Feng Hua Jun and Mr. Shao Yang Dong (both are independent non-executive Directors) and Mr. Wang Wenjian (non- executive Director). The principal roles and functions performed by the Nomination Committee during the year include: a) Reviewing the structure, size, composition and diversity of the Board and making recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate strategy; b) Identifying individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and selecting or making recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorship according to the stipulated nomination procedures; c) Assessing the independence of independent non-executive Directors according to the requirements under the Listing Rules; and d) Making recommendations to the Board on relevant matters related to the appointment or re-appointment of Directors and succession plan for Directors. 董事委員會 董事會已成立四個指定委員會,制定彼等須輔 助董事會有效履行職能的權力及責任的書面職 權範圍。董事委員會包括審核委員會、薪酬委 員會、提名委員會以及策略及發展委員會。 董事委員會的職權範圍已刊登在本集團網站 ( 及香港聯交所 披露易之網站 ( ) ,以 供股東查閱。 提名委員會 本公司已成立提名委員會,並訂有書面職權範 圍。提名委員會由 3 名成員組成,包括獨立非 執行董事馮華君先生與邵仰東先生以及非執行 董事王文鑒先生。 於年內,提名委員會主要執行之工作及職能包 括: a) 檢討董事會之架構、人數、組成及成員多 元化,並就任何為配合本公司的企業策略 而擬對董事會作出的變動提出建議; b) 物色有資格擔任董事會成員之人士,並按 已定的提名程序挑選提名有關人士出任董 事或就此向董事會提供意見; c) 根據上市規則之規定,評核獨立非執行董 事之獨立性;及 d) 就委任或續聘董事以及董事繼任計劃之有 關事宜向董事會提出建議。