Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 62 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 附註: 董事均親身出席所有會議,而非由代替者出 席。 提名政策 董事會已採納以下有關提名董事的政策(「 提名 政策 」)。 甄選標準 在決定候選人是否適合時,提名委員會及董事 會須考慮候選人在資歷、技能、經驗、獨立性 及性別多元化方面可為董事會帶來的潛在貢 獻。提名委員會及董事會須考慮下述甄選準則 (並未詳盡列述): ‧ 候選人的個人道德、聲譽、品格和誠信; ‧ 候選人與本集團營運相關的資歷、技能、 知識、業務判斷力和經驗; ‧ 本公司(不時修訂的)多元化政策中所訂明 的多元化觀點; Meeting of the Nomination Committee is held at least once a year. 2 meetings were held in 2020. The attendance of each member at Nomination Committee meetings is as follows: Name of Director Nomination Committee No. of attendance (Note)/ No. of meetings 董事姓名 提名委員會 出席次數(附註)╱會議次數 Mr. Feng Hua Jun (Chairman) 馮華君先生 (主席 ) 2/2 Mr. Wang Wenjian 王文鑒先生 2/2 Mr. Shao Yang Dong 邵仰東先生 2/2 Note: All of the meetings were attended by the Directors themselves, and not by an alternate. NOMINATION POLICY The Board has adopted the following policy for the nomination of directors (the “ Nomination Policy ”). Selection Criteria In determining the suitability of a candidate, the Nomination Committee and the Board shall consider the potential contributions a candidate can bring to the Board in terms of qualifications, skills, experience, independence and gender diversity. The Nomination Committee and the Board shall consider the following selection criteria, which are not meant to be exhaustive: • the candidate’s personal ethics, reputation, character and integrity; • the candidate’s qualifications, skills, knowledge, business judgment and experience that are relevant to the operations of the Group; • the diversity perspectives set out in the Board Diversity Policy of the Company (as amended from time to time); 提名委員會每年最少舉行 1 次會議,二零二零 年內舉行了 2 次會議。各委員會成員出席提名 委員會會議的記錄如下: