Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 68 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 附註: 董事均親身出席所有會議,而非由代替者出 席。 審核委員會 本公司已成立審核委員會,並訂有書面職權範 圍。審核委員會所有成員已審閱本集團截至二 零二零年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核全年 業績。審核委員會成員包括張余慶先生、馮華 君先生及邵仰東先生(均為獨立非執行董事)。 (c) Approving the terms of Directors’ service contracts, determining the specific remuneration packages of all executive Directors and senior management and making recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of the non-executive Directors; (d) Reviewing and approving remuneration by reference to corporate goals resolved by the Board from time to time; and (e) Reviewing and approving the compensation payable to executive Directors and senior management in connection with resignation or termination of their positions or appointments. The meeting of the Remuneration Committee is held at least once a year and when required. 2 meetings were held in 2020. The Remuneration Committee has reviewed and approved the remunerations and bonus payable to executive Directors and senior management for the financial year. The chairman of the Remuneration Committee has reported to the Board on the proceedings of the meeting. Details of the amount of Directors’ emoluments of 2020 are set out in Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements. The attendance of each member at Remuneration Committee meetings is as follows: Name of Director Remuneration Committee No. of attendance (Note)/ No. of meetings 董事姓名 薪酬委員會 出席次數(附註)╱會議次數 Mr. Shao Yang Dong (Chairman) 邵仰東先生 (主席 ) 2/2 Mr. Feng Hua Jun 馮華君先生 2/2 Mr. Zhang Yuqing 張余慶先生 2/2 Note: All of the meetings were attended by the Directors themselves, and not by an alternate. AUDIT COMMITTEE The Company has established the Audit Committee with written terms of reference. The Group’s audited final results for the year ended 31 December 2020 were reviewed by all the members of the Audit Committee, namely Mr. Zhang Yuqing, Mr. Feng Hua Jun and Mr. Shao Yang Dong (all are independent non-executive Directors). (c) 通過董事服務合約的條款,負責釐定全體 執行董事及高級管理層之特定薪酬待遇, 並就非執行董事之薪酬向董事會提供建 議; (d) 參照董事會通過的企業目標,不時檢討及 批准薪酬;及 (e) 檢討及批准向執行董事及高級管理層支付 有關離職或終止職務之賠償或委任。 薪酬委員會每年最少舉行一次會議,亦會在有 需要時舉行會議,二零二零年年內舉行了 2 次 會議。薪酬委員會已審閱並批准財政年度應付 執行董事及高級管理層的酬金及花紅。薪酬委 員會主席已向董事會匯報該會議的議事程序。 二零二零年董事酬金金額詳情載於綜合財務報 表附註 13 。各委員會成員出席薪酬委員會會議 的記錄如下: