Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 70 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 附註: 董事均親身出席所有會議,而非由代替者出 席。 策略及發展委員會 本公司的策略及發展委員會由 5 名成員組成, 包括執行董事葉遼寧先生、孫泱先生及王文杰 先生、非執行董事王文鑒先生以及獨立非執行 董事馮華君先生。策略及發展委員會主要負責 就本集團的業務發展策略以及光學相關產品的 國際市場前景向董事會提供意見。該委員會的 成員應包含本地及國際的光學行業及其他相關 行業的專家。截至二零二零年十二月三十一日 止年度,策略及發展委員會共舉行 4 次會議。 於年內,策略及發展委員會處理本集團發展策 略及新發展規劃及其實施情況相關的事宜。 Furthermore, another meeting was held on 17 March 2021 to review, inter alia, the annual report and financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2020, the report from external auditor on the audit of the Group’s financial statements, the continued non- exempt connected transactions, internal control system review and the re-appointment of external auditor. The attendance of each member at Audit Committee meetings is as follows: Name of Director Audit Committee No. of attendance (Note)/ No. of meetings 董事姓名 審核委員會 出席次數(附註)╱會議次數 Mr. Zhang Yuqing (Chairman) 張余慶先生 (主席) 2/2 Mr. Feng Hua Jun 馮華君先生 2/2 Mr. Shao Yang Dong 邵仰東先生 2/2 Note: All of the meetings were attended by the Directors themselves, and not by an alternate. STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The Company’s Strategy and Development Committee comprises 5 members, namely Mr. Ye Liaoning, Mr. Sun Yang and Mr. Wang Wenjie (all are executive Directors), Mr. Wang Wenjian (a non- executive Director) and Mr. Feng Hua Jun (an independent non- executive Director). The primary duty of the Strategy and Development Committee is to advise the Board on the Group’s strategy for business development and future prospects in the international market for optical related products. It is intended that members of this committee shall consist of local and international experts in the optical industry and other related industries. For the year ended 31 December 2020, 4 meetings were held by the Strategy and Development Committee. During the year, the Strategy and Development Committee handled matters in relation to the development strategy of the Group and the new development plan of the Group and their implementation. 此外,審核委員會亦於二零二一年三月十七日 舉行另一次會議,以審閱(其中包括)本集團截 至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度之年報及 財務報表、外聘核數師就審核本集團財務報表 所發出之報告、持續不獲豁免之關連交易、檢 討內部監控系統及續聘外聘核數師事宜。 各委員會成員出席審核委員會會議的記錄如 下: