Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 76 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Self-assessment on risk management • Organized risk management training and self-assessment coaching for each business segment and department; • Organized risk identification and assessment in each business segment and department to formulate specific contingency plan for key risks and generate risk management self-assessment report; and • Issued the risk management self-assessment report of the Group and submitted to the Audit Committee for review. Optimized and expanded the database of risk management • Optimized the risk management checklist and unified the language of risk management; • Expanded the KRI identification work for each business segment and department; and • Conducted pilot project on the establishment of key risk event database. Raised risk awareness and talent development • Empowered personnel of every level with risk management capabilities; and • Established a team of professional talents for risk management in each business segment and department; Normalized risk management • Reviewed the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s risk management system, and reviewed significant and emerging risks with department heads; • Monitored the operating results of the KRI every month and gave a timely warning on the indicator results; 風險管理自評 ‧ 組織各事業分部及部門進行風險管理培訓 及自評輔導; ‧ 組織各事業分部和部門風險識別及評估, 針對重點風險制定具體應對計劃,形成風 險管理自我評估報告;及 ‧ 出具本集團風險管理自評報告,提交審核 委員會審閱。 優化、擴充風險管理庫 ‧ 優化風險管理清單庫並統一風險管理語 言; ‧ 擴充各事業分部和部門 KRI 的識別工作;及 ‧ 試點重點風險事件庫建設。 提升風險意識及人才培養 ‧ 各層級人員風險管理能力賦能;及 ‧ 各事業分部和部門建設風險管理專業人才 隊伍; 風險管理常態化 ‧ 檢討本集團風險管理系統是否足夠和有效 並與部門主管檢討重大風險及新興風險; ‧ 每月監控 KRI 運行結果,並對指標結果進行 及時預警;