Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 82 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Operational Risk Safe Production Risks: 運營風險 安全生產風險: – Material accidents affecting safe production of equipment and facilities, property safety, occupational disease hazards of employees and enterprise’s continuous operations may occur as a result of the enterprise’s internal and other factors. - 受企業內部等因素所致,可能會出現影響設備、設施 安全生產、財產安全、員工職業病危害以及影響企業 持續經營的重大突發事件等。 – Enhancing employees’ safe production training, organizing safety training and drills irregularly, enhancing employees’ safety awareness; - 加強員工安全生產培訓,不定期組織安全培訓及演習, 提升員工安全意識; – Strengthening the daily monitoring and timely maintenance of various equipment, and carrying out safety and fool-proof transformation of equipment; - 加強各種設備的日常監控與及時檢修,並對設備進行安 全防呆改造; – Timely monitoring the operations of the KRI, carrying out regular inspections on hidden hazards, controlling safe risks from their sources and thoroughly remediating hidden safety hazards; - 適時監察 KRI 運行情況,定期開展隱患排查,控制源頭 安全風險,對安全隱患進行徹底整治; – Optimizing emergent contingency plan system and immediately activating the emergency response procedures in case of black swan events; and - 優化應急預案制度,如遇黑天鵝事件立即啟動應急響應 程序;及 – Participating in property insurance and purchasing insurance for the employees. - 參加財產保險及為員工購買保險。