Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 85 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Product Quality Risks: 產品質量風險: – The Company’s products may have product quality issues that affect customer satisfaction, damage the Company’s image and increase cost of operations. - 公司各產品可能存在產品質量問題,影響客戶滿意 度,使公司形象受損並增加運營成本。 – Promoting the consciousness of quality first activities and enhancing the awareness and capability of quality among all employees of the Group; - 本集團內積極開展質量至上的活動,提高全員品質意識 與能力; – Optimising the system for each phase of the entire life cycle of product management and the Standard Operating Procedure (“ SOP “); - 優化全生命周期產品管理各環節制度及標準作業程序 (「 SOP 」); – Enhancing on-site trainings for operators and the operators shall strictly follow the SOP in processing; - 加強現場操作人員培訓,操作員嚴格按照 SOP 進行加 工; – Proactively promoting the production line automation and enhancing investment in informatization of inspection instruments; and - 積極推進生產線自動化,加大信息化檢測設備投入;及 – Implementing and applying the informatization system, realizing data tracking throughout the entire process. - 實施與應用信息化系統,實現全制程數據追踪。