Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 92 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 CONTINUOUS DISCLOSURE OBLIGATIONS REGARDING PRICE SENSITIVE AND/OR INSIDE INFORMATION The Company has developed a system with established policies, processes and procedures across all relevant segments and departments for complying with the disclosure obligations regarding price sensitive and/or inside information. The system continues to be effective. The Company will continue to further enhance its effects on the business operations, development of the Company and new regulations and laws with great effort. COMMUNICATION WITH SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTORS The Company is committed to creating two-way channels of communication between senior management and investors, maintaining close relationships with all its shareholders through a variety of channels and promoting the communication with investors. The Company has adopted a shareholders’ communication policy to formalise and facilitate an effective and healthy communication between the Company and the shareholders and other stakeholders, which is available on the website of the Group ( . The main communication channels with the shareholders include: Investors’ Meetings Investor presentations are held by the Group in respect of its annual results and interim results. In addition, the Group’s senior management and personnel from investor relations management department hold meetings with investors. Investors are provided with the latest information of the Group, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Group keeps close contact with the investors. During the year of 2020, given by the travel restrictions of COVID-19, the Company held an audio investor meeting in relation to the publication of 2019 annual results, and held a virtual investor meeting in relation to the publication of 2020 interim results. Meanwhile, the Company attended numerous virtual investor meetings, including an investor day, 30 non-deal roadshows and other types of communication activities, so as to keep close contact with the investors. 有關股價敏感資料及╱或內 幕消息的持續披露義務 本公司已建立一套系統,包括所有相關分部和 部門之間的既定政策、流程和程序,以符合有 關股價敏感資料及╱或內幕消息的披露義務。 該系統仍然有效,本公司亦會繼續努力進一步 提高其於業務操作、公司發展及新的法規和法 律的作用。 與股東及投資者溝通 本公司致力為高級管理層與投資者建立雙向 溝通渠道,並透過多個不同渠道與全體股東 保持緊密聯繫,促進與投資者的交流。本公 司採納股東溝通機制,並刊載於本集團網站 ( ),以規範及 促進股東及其他持份者與本公司之間有效及 良好的溝通。與股東溝通的主要渠道包括: 投資者會議 本集團會就其年度及中期業績召開投資者推介 會。此外,本集團的高級管理層及投資人關係 管理部門人員亦會安排與投資者的會面,在遵 守適用法律及法規的情況下,向投資者提供本 集團的最新訊息,與投資者保持密切聯繫。 於二零二零年年內,由於 COVID-19 對旅行的 限制,本公司以電話會議的形式舉行了二零 一九全年業績發佈投資者交流會,並以線上會 議的形式舉行了二零二零年中期業績發佈投資 者交流會。同時,公司亦以線上會議的形式參 加了多場投資者會議,其中包括 1 次投資者日 活動, 30 次非交易路演及其他各種形式的交流 活動,與投資者保持密切聯繫。