Annual Report 2020

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2020 年報 93 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 股東週年大會 股東週年大會是一個讓股東參與討論的重要平 台,讓股東可以與本集團管理層進行交流。股 東週年大會每年舉行 1 次,會議公開讓所有股 東參與。本集團的高級管理層會在大會上回答 股東之提問,外聘核數師及法律顧問亦會列席。 各董事出席於二零二零年舉行的股東週年大會 的記錄如下: Annual General Meeting The AGM is an important platform for shareholders to participate in discussions, facilitating the communications between the management of the Group and the shareholders. The AGM is held once a year, being publicly accessible to all shareholders. The Group’s senior management answers any questions that shareholders have in the meeting and the external auditors and legal adviser attend the AGM as well. The attendance of each Director at the AGM held in 2020 is as follows: Name of Director AGM No. of attendance by Directors (Note)/ No. of meeting 董事姓名 股東週年大會 董事出席次數(附註)╱ 會議次數 Mr. Wang Wenjian (Honorary Chairman) 王文鑒先生 (名譽主席 ) 1/1 Mr. Ye Liaoning (Chairman) 葉遼寧先生 (主席 ) 1/1 Mr. Sun Yang 孫泱先生 1/1 Mr. Wang Wenjie 王文杰先生 1/1 Mr. Feng Hua Jun 馮華君先生 1/1 Mr. Shao Yang Dong 邵仰東先生 1/1 Mr. Zhang Yuqing 張余慶先生 1/1 Note: The meeting was attended by the Directors themselves, and not by an alternate. Apart from AGM, any one or more shareholders of the Company holding at the date of deposit of the requisition not less than one-tenth of the paid up capital of the Company carrying the right of voting at general meetings of the Company shall at all times have the right, by written requisition to the Board or the Company Secretary of the Company, to require an extraordinary general meeting (“ EGM ”) to be called by the Board for the transaction of any business specified in such requisition. No EGM was held in 2020. There is no provision allowing shareholders to move new resolutions at general meetings under the Cayman Islands Companies Law or the Articles of Association. Shareholders who wish to move a resolution may request the Company to convene an EGM following the procedures set out in the preceding paragraph. 附註: 董事均親身出席會議,而非由代替者出席。 除股東週年大會外,一名或多名於遞交要求當 日持有不少於附帶於本公司股東大會上投票權 利的本公司繳足股款股本十分之一的本公司股 東,有權隨時向本公司董事會或公司秘書發出 書面請求,要求董事會就有關要求所指定的任 何事務交易召開股東特別大會(「 股東特別大 會 」)。於二零二零年並無召開股東特別大會。 開曼群島公司法或章程細則並無條文允許股東 於股東大會上動議新決議案。有意動議決議案 的股東可要求本公司根據上一段所述程序召開 股東特別大會。