Annual Report 2021

08 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 於回顧年內, COVID-19 仍在全球蔓延,新變 種病毒的出現給本集團的生產工作帶來了諸多 挑戰。本集團高度重視疫情防控,嚴格遵守並 落實各項防疫措施,積極開展疫苗接種,切實 保障員工健康,確保了生產工作的有序開展。 本集團將繼續落實疫情防控工作常態化,進一 步完善風險管理及內部監控系統,以最大程度 降低疫情對員工安全及生產工作的影響。 經營業績 於二零二一年,本集團全體員工萬眾一心,始 終堅持「共同創造」的核心理念和「創新驅動」的 核心戰略,在富有經驗和前瞻性的管理層的帶 領下,本集團積極應對快速變化的市場環境, 取得了穩健的業績表現。 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度, 本集團的收入略微減少約 1 . 3% 至約人民幣 37,496,900,000 元。本公司股東應佔年內溢 利增加約 2.4% 至約人民幣 4,988,000,000 元。 此外,每股基本盈利增加約 2.4% 至約人民幣 456.52 分。董事(「 董事 」)會(「 董事會 」)建議 派發末期股息每股約人民幣 0.910 元(相等於 1.118 港元(「 港元 」))(二零二零年:約人民幣 0.888 元)。 During the year under review, COVID-19 continued to rage globally. The emergence of new variants brought challenges to the production of the Group. The Group paid high attention to pandemic prevention and control, strictly followed and implemented pandemic prevention and control measures and actively carried out vaccination to effectively protect the health of staff and ensure the orderly production. The Group will continue to implement the normalized work of pandemic prevention and control and further improve the risk management and internal control systems to minimize the impact of the pandemic on employee safety and production work. OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE In 2021, with the concerted efforts of all employees, the Group always adhered to the core value of “Create Together” and the core strategy of “Driven by Innovation”. Under the leadership of the experienced and forward-looking management, the Group actively responded to the rapid-changing market environment and achieved solid performance. For the year ended 31 December 2021, the Group’s revenue slightly decreased by approximately 1.3% to approximately RMB37,496.9 million. Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company increased by approximately 2.4% to approximately RMB4,988.0 million. Besides, the basic earnings per share increased by approximately 2.4% to approximately RMB456.52 cents. The board (the “ Board ”) of directors (the “ Directors ”, each a “ Director ”) has proposed final dividends of approximately RMB0.910 (equivalent to Hong Kong Dollar (“ HKD ”) 1.118) (2020: approximately RMB0.888) per share.