Annual Report 2021

99 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Major Initiatives for 2022 In 2022, the Group’s main focuses will continue to be on: (i) enhancing internal control and strategy management system and monitoring the situations of the key risks in each business segment and department in order to manage the strategic risks of the Group; (ii) further expanding the management and control intensity of KRI by each business segment and department, and optimizing the precautionary effects of KRI on business, and enhancing the risk warning and improvement of the operation results; (iii) dynamically identifying the risks that are faced by each business segment and department, continuing to carry out in-depth normalized management on risk management, and continuously promoting the implementation of the risk response plans; (iv) incorporating risk management into performance evaluation by each business segment and department; (v) continuing to promote the integration of risk management and businesses, and increasing the innovation of risk management by each business segment and department; (vi) optimizing an intelligent risk management system; and (vii) continuously empowering the risk management to enhance the awareness and sense of commitment in risk management of the Group. 二零二二年主要措施 於二零二二年,本集團工作重點將繼續放在: (i) 加強內部監控及策略管理系統,監督重大 風險在各事業分部和部門的情況,以管理 本集團的策略風險; (ii) 各事業分部和部門進一步擴大 KRI 管控力 度,優化 KRI 對業務預警效果,強化運行結 果風險預警與改善; (iii) 各事業分部和部門動態識別面臨的風險, 繼續深入推進風險管理常態化管理,持續 推進風險應對計劃落地; (iv) 各事業分部和部門將風險管理納入績效考 核; (v) 各事業分部和部門持續推進風險管理與業 務融合,加大風險管理創新; (vi) 優化風險管理智能化系統;及 (vii) 持續進行風險管理賦能,以提高本集團對 風險管理的意識及使命感。