Annual Report 2021

100 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 舉報制度 本集團設立多種舉報渠道,各渠道均由內部 審計部專人負責。本集團制定《舉報須知和獎 勵、保護辦法》,明確舉報獎勵及舉報保護制 度。本公司已制定嚴格的保密措施和程序,對 於舉報人的信息(特別是涉及到個人隱私的內 容)以及提供的相關資料均予以保密。本公司 將全力保護舉報人的人身、財產安全,並根據 舉報人的意見採取多種保護措施。涉及違法犯 罪的,本公司將協助舉報人追究相應人員的法 律責任。 反腐敗 本集團通過《反舞弊制度》預防和控制商業賄 賂、商業利益輸送、挪用公款等各類貪腐和欺 詐事件。針對關連交易,本集團制定《關連交 易制度》,要求相關崗位人員進行聯繫人及╱ 或關連人士申報,其中管理職位在副部長及以 上的幹部及關鍵敏感崗位人員簽訂《反舞弊保 證書》;關鍵敏感崗位人員還需簽訂《廉潔從業 承諾書》,定期輪崗並進行述廉報告以加強內部 監控。供應商亦需簽訂《誠信經營承諾書》,並 進行聯繫人及╱或關連人士申報。 WHISTLEBLOWING POLICY The Group has set up the whistleblowing channels, and a dedicated person from the internal audit department is delegated to be in charge of each of the channels. The Group has formulated the Whistleblowing Instructions and Rewards and Protection Measures ( 《舉報須知和 獎勵、保護辦法》 ) to clarify the policies on whistleblowing rewards and whistleblowing protection. The Company has established strict confidentiality measures and procedures to keep the information of the whistleblowers (especially the information related to personal privacy) as well as the relevant information provided, confidential. The Company will make every effort to protect the personal and property safety of the whistleblowers, and take various protection measures based on the whistleblowers’ opinions. For any violations of laws, the Company will assist the whistleblowers to take legal actions for the corresponding liabilities against the corresponding persons. ANTI-CORRUPTION The Group has adopted the Anti-Malpractice Policy ( 《反舞弊制度》 ) to prevent and control various corruption and fraud incidents such as commercial bribery, commercial benefit transmission and financial embezzlement. For connected transactions, the Group has established the Connected Transaction Policy ( 《關連交易制度》 ), requiring personnel in relevant positions to make declarations in relation to their associates and/ or related persons. Among them, each personnel with management title of deputy department head and above, and those occupying key sensitive positions have to sign an Anti-Malpractice Guarantee ( 《反舞弊保證書》 ). The employee occupying a key sensitive position has also to sign an Integrity Guarantee ( 《廉潔從業承諾書》 ) and a system involving regular rotation and integrity reports has been implemented to strengthen the internal control. Suppliers shall also sign the Undertaking for Operating with Integrity ( 《誠信經營承諾書》 ) and make declarations in relation to their associates and/ or related persons.