Annual Report 2021

101 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 企業社會責任 本集團深知企業不僅僅是謀取自身利益最大化 的經濟體,同時也是社會整體財富積累、社會 文明進步、環境可持續發展的重要推動者。本 集團的管理層高度重視企業社會責任,嚴格監 控各個業務部門的發展、實施及結果,並把環 境、社會和管治的標準融入日常的經營活動 中。詳細內容將載於二零二二年五月底之前刊 發的環境、社會及管治報告中。 有關股價敏感資料及╱或內 幕消息的持續披露義務 本公司已建立一套系統,包括所有相關分部和 部門之間的既定政策、流程和程序,以符合有 關股價敏感資料及╱或內幕消息的披露義務。 該系統仍然有效,本公司亦會繼續努力進一步 提高其於業務操作、公司發展及新的法規和法 律的作用。 董事及高級人員的責任保險 本公司為董事投購董事及高級人員責任保險。 保險範圍涵蓋開展公司活動過程中針對彼等提 起的法律訴訟相關的成本、費用、開支及責任。 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Group deeply knows that enterprise is not an organization only for maximising its own interests, but also an important driver to facilitate wealth accumulation of the whole society, advance social civilisation and promote the sustainable development of the environment. The management of the Group pays high attention to corporate social responsibilities. The management strictly monitors the development, implementation and results of various departments of the Group, in which the environmental, social and governance standards have been integrated into their daily operating activities. Details are set out in the Environmental, Social and Governance Report which will be published before the end of May 2022. CONTINUOUS DISCLOSURE OBLIGATIONS REGARDING PRICE SENSITIVE AND/OR INSIDE INFORMATION The Company has developed a system with established policies, processes and procedures across all relevant segments and departments for complying with the disclosure obligations regarding price sensitive and/or inside information. The system continues to be effective. The Company will continue to further enhance its effects on the business operations, development of the Company and new regulations and laws with great effort. DIRECTORS’ AND OFFICERS’ LIABILITY INSURANCE The Company has arranged Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance for its Directors. The insurance covers the corresponding costs, charges, expenses and liabilities for legal action against them arising out of corporative activities.