Annual Report 2021

102 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 CHANGES OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENT OF THE COMPANY During the year ended 31 December 2021, there were no significant changes in the Company’s Articles of Association. The latest version of the Company’s Articles of Association is available on the websites of the Group ( and the HKEXnews of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( ). In view of the recent amendments to the Listing Rules (update No. 134), the Company proposes a new resolution at AGM on 24 May 2022 to adopt the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association and the proposed adoption of the amended and restated Articles of Association. Please refer to the circular published by the Company for more details. SHAREHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The Company is committed to creating channels of communication be tween t he D i r ec t o r s , sen i o r managemen t and i nves t o r s , maintaining close contact with all the Shareholders through a variety of channels and promoting the communication with investors. The Chairman would ensure the appropriate steps are taken to provide effective communication with the Shareholders and that their view are communicated to the Board as a whole. The Company has adopted an updated Shareholders’ communication policy on 28 December 2021 to formalise and facilitate an effective and healthy communication between the Company and the Shareholders and other stakeholders, which is available on the website of the Group ( . The Company considers that the Shareholders’ communication policy contributed an effective communication between the Company and the Shareholders for the year ended 31 December 2021. The main communication channels with the Shareholders include: 公司章程文件變動 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度內,本 公司並無對其章程細則作出任何重大變動。 本公司章程細則的最新版本可在本集團網站 ( 及香港聯交所 披露易之網站 ( 查閱。 鑒於上市規則作出的近期修訂(第一百三十四 次修訂),本公司將於二零二二年五月二十四日 在股東週年大會上提呈一項新決議案,以採納 章程細則的修訂建議及採納經修訂及重列之章 程細則的建議。更多詳情請參閱本公司刊發的 通函。 股東參與及有效溝通 本公司致力為董事、高級管理層與投資者建立 溝通渠道,並透過多個不同渠道與全體股東 保持緊密聯繫,促進與投資者的交流。主席 將確保採取適當步驟促進與股東的有效溝通, 且確保股東意見可傳達到整個董事會。本公司 已於二零二一年十二月二十八日採納更新後的 股東通訊政策,以規範及促進股東及其他持份 者與本公司之間有效及良好的溝通,該政策可 於本集團網站 ( 查閱。本公司認為,截至二零二一年十二月 三十一日止年度,股東的溝通政策促成本公司 與股東之間的有效溝通。與股東溝通的主要渠 道包括: