Annual Report 2021

105 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 All matters proposed to the Shareholders for approval shall be submitted in separate resolutions and resolved by way of poll at the general meeting. The procedures of conducting a poll are explained in details to the Shareholders by the Group prior to the voting, to ensure the Shareholders are familiar with such arrangement. Poll results will be published on the websites of HKEXnews of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( and the Group ( . The Group has also maintained the procedures for nomination of director by the Shareholders, which has been published on the Group’s website ( , to ensure the interests of Shareholders. Annual Reports, Interim Reports, Announcements and Circulars The Group issues its annual reports and interim reports after publishing the annual results and the interim results in March and August every year respectively, so as to periodically review the development of the Group as well as to update the Shareholders with its latest business information and market trends. In addition, the Group explains to the Shareholders through announcements regarding any major events or price-sensitive information. For any matters requiring the approval of the Shareholders, the Group holds an extraordinary general meeting according to the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and issues a circular prior to the specific date of the meeting, allowing the Shareholders to have sufficient time to learn more about the matters for making voting decisions. All annual reports, interim reports, announcements and circulars are uploaded to the websites of HKEXnews of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( and the Group ( . 於股東大會上,每項事宜均以獨立決議案形式 提呈股東批准,並以投票方式進行表決。本 集團在投票表決前將向股東解釋進行投票表 決的詳細程序,以確保各股東明白有關安排。 投票表決結果會載於香港聯交所披露易之網 站( )及本集團網站 ( 。 本 集 團 亦 設 有 股 東 提 名 董 事 候 選 人 之 程 序 , 該 程 序 已 載 於 本 集 團 網 站 ( ),以確保股東 之權益。 年度報告、中期報告、公告及通函 本集團會分別於每年三月份及八月份的全年業 績及中期業績發佈之後發表年度報告及中期 報告,以定期回顧本集團的發展,同時向股 東更新業務情況及市場趨勢。此外,如有任何 重大事件或股價敏感資料,本集團都會通過公 告向股東說明。如有關事宜需要得到股東的批 准,本集團也會根據香港聯交所的要求,舉行 股東特別大會,並於大會的指定日期前發表通 函,讓股東有足夠的時間瞭解有關事宜,以作 出投票的決策。所有年度報告、中期報告、公 告及通函都會上載至香港聯交所披露易之網 站( )及本集團網站 ( )。