Annual Report 2021

09 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 可持續發展 本集團一直相信促進可持續發展是企業不可推 卸的責任,也是企業經營的長遠方針。因此, 作為有社會責任感的企業,本集團在生產經營 活動中始終堅持「共同創造」的核心價值觀,積 極遵循環保法律法規,通過技術創新及生產製 造改革等手段達到環境保護與可持續發展的目 的,同時自覺承擔作為企業公民在經濟發展、 社會保障及文化教育等方面的責任,以追求高 質量的可持續發展。於回顧年內,本集團進一 步完善合規及內部管控措施,加大在反舞弊方 面的治理力度,加強對整個供應鏈的可持續發 展管理,並積極投身教育、慈善等公益事業, 可持續發展能力建設得到進一步深化,相關工 作亦得到社會的廣泛認可。本集團二零二一年 度的環境、社會及管治(「 ESG 」)報告將於二 零二二年五月底之前刊發,敬請於香港聯合 交易所有限公司(「 香港聯交所 」)披露易之網 站( )及本集團網站 ( )查閱。 ESG 評級及入選指數 • 二零二一年六月,入選富時社會責任指數 • 二零二一年八月,入選恒生 ESG50 指數 • 二零二一年九月,入選恒生可持續發展企 業指數 • 二零二一年十一月,明晟(「 MSCI 」) ESG 評級從「 BBB 」提升至「 A 」級 • 二零二一年十一月,入選恒生指數 ESG 篩 選指數 • 二零二一年十一月,入選恒生指數低碳指 數 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Group always believes that promoting the sustainable development is the unshirkable responsibility of an enterprise as well as a long-term policy of business operation. Therefore, as an enterprise with the sense of social responsibility, the Group always adheres to the core value of “Create Together” in the production and operation process, actively follows environmental laws and regulations and achieves the purpose of environmental protection and sustainable development through technological innovation and production and manufacturing reform. Meanwhile, the Group undertakes the social responsibility as a corporate citizen consciously in the aspects of economic development, social security and cultural education to pursue sustainable development with high quality. During the year under review, the Group further improved compliance and internal control measures, intensified the governance of anti-malpractice, strengthened sustainable development management on the whole supply chain and actively devoted to public welfares such as education and charity. It further deepened the Group’s capacity building for sustainable development and related work was widely recognized in the society. The environmental, social and governance (“ ESG ”) Report for 2021 of the Group will be published before the end of May 2022, which will be available on the website of HKEXnews of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “ Hong Kong Stock Exchange ”) ( ) and the website of the Group ( . ESG RATING AND SELECTED INDEXES • Included in FTSE4Good Index in June 2021 • Included in Hang Seng ESG 50 Index in August 2021 • Included in Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index in September 2021 • ESG rating raised from “BBB” to “A” in November 2021 by MSCI Inc. (“ MSCI ”) • Included in Hang Seng Index ESG Screened Index in November 2021 • Included in Hang Seng Index Low Carbon Index in November 2021