Annual Report 2021

126 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Directors’ Report 董事會報告 The independent non-executive Directors of the Company review the Group’s continuing connected transactions every year and confirm that such transactions meet the following requirements: 1. concluded in the Group’s daily businesses; 2. conducted in accordance with normal or better commercial terms; and 3. conducted in accordance with the agreement on relevant transactions, with fair and reasonable terms and in line with the overall interests of Shareholders of the Company. The Company has also hired an external auditor to review the Group’s continuing connected transactions. As disclosed under Note 41 to the consolidated financial statements, none of the related party transactions entered into by the Company during the year ended 31 December 2021 constituted a connected transaction or continuing connected transaction under the Listing Rules. For the year ended 31 December 2021, the Company has not entered into any connected transaction or continuing connected transaction. INTERESTS IN COMPETITORS No Director or chief executive of the Company holds any interests in entities which compete with the Group in any aspects of its business. EMOLUMENT POLICY AND RETIREMENT BENEFIT SCHEME The Group’s emolument policy is designed to attract, retain and motivate talented individuals to contribute to the success of its business. The emolument policy of the employees of the Group is formulated and reviewed by the Remuneration Committee on the basis of their merits, qualifications and competence. The emoluments of the Directors of the Company are decided by the Remuneration Committee, having regards to the Group’s operating results, individual performance and comparable market statistics. The Group operates a mandatory provident fund (“ MPF ”) scheme under rules and regulations of MPF Schemes Ordinance for all its employees in Hong Kong. All the employees of the Group in Hong Kong are required to join the MPF scheme. Contributions are made based on a percentage of the employees’ salaries and are charged to consolidated statement of profit or loss as they become payable in accordance with the rules of the MPF scheme. The assets of the MPF scheme are held separately from those of the Group in an independently administered fund. The Group’s employer contributions vest fully with the employees when contributed into the MPF scheme. No forfeited contribution is available to reduce the contribution payable in the future years as at 31 December 2021. 本公司的獨立非執行董事每年會審閱本集團的 持續關連交易,且確認該等交易滿足: 1 、在 本集團的日常業務中訂立; 2 、按照一般商務 條款或更佳條款進行;及 3 、根據有關交易的 協議進行,條款公平合理,且符合本公司股東 的整體利益。本公司亦已聘請外部核數師審 閱本集團之持續關連交易。如綜合財務報表附 註 41 所披露,本公司截至二零二一年十二月 三十一日止年度訂立的關連人士交易並無構成 上市規則項下的關連交易或持續關連交易。截 至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本公司 並未訂立任何關連交易或持續關連交易。 擁有競爭對手的權益 概無董事或本公司主要行政人員擁有與本集團 任何業務構成競爭的公司的任何權益。 薪酬政策及退休福利計劃 本集團之薪酬政策旨在吸引、挽留及鼓勵有才 之士為本集團業務之成功作出貢獻。本集團僱 員之薪酬政策乃由薪酬委員會按彼等之功績、 資歷及勝任能力而制定及檢討。 本公司董事之薪酬乃由薪酬委員會視乎本集團 之經營業績、個人表現及可比較的市場統計數 據而決定。 本集團根據強制性公積金(「 強積金 」)計劃條 例之規則及規例為其所有香港僱員設立一項強 積金計劃。本集團所有於香港的僱員均須加入 強積金計劃。供款按僱員薪金的某一百分比作 出,並根據強積金計劃之規則於應予支付時在 綜合損益表扣除。強積金計劃之資產與本集團 的其他資產分開處理,由一獨立管理之基金持 有。向強積金計劃供款時,本集團僱主供款將 全數歸屬於僱員所有。於二零二一年十二月 三十一日,並無沒收之供款以供來年扣減應付 供款。