Annual Report 2021

15 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 業務回顧 於回顧年內,面對快速變化的市場格局、激烈 的行業競爭及常態化疫情的影響,本集團通過 以下幾方面的努力保持了行業中的領先地位: 1. 致力於新技術的研發和應用,加快新產 品、新規格的開發迭代,衝擊並佔領行業 制高點; 2. 深化精細化管理,持續做到職責明確、流 程清晰,目標一致,進而提升經營質量; 3. 加大對新事業的投入,牢牢把握新興市場 發展機遇,快速發展新的業務增長點;及 4. 深化內部激勵機制,進一步踐行「共同創 造」的核心價值觀。 建立和健全專利制度是企業核心能力的重要體 現。為了推進技術創新,進一步提升市場競爭 力,同時有效防範知識產權方面存在的經營風 險,本集團已建立專業的知識產權管理團隊, 主動制定企業專利戰略,並積極展開專利佈 局。於二零二一年十二月三十一日,本集團已 獲授權專利 2,971 項,包括發明專利 1,092 項, 實用新型專利 1,806 項及外觀設計專利 73 項。 此外,另有 3,970 項專利正在申請當中。 BUSINESS REVIEW During the year under review, facing the rapid-changing market landscape, fierce industrial competition and the impact of the normalized pandemic, the Group maintained a leading position in the industry through the following aspects: 1. devoted in the R&D and application of new technologies, accelerated the iteration in the development of new products and new specifications, challenged and took the “commanding height” of the industry; 2. enhanced refined managements, realised continuous distinct division of duties and clear workflow under a common goal and thereby improved the quality of operation; 3. increased investments in new businesses, firmly grasped the development opportunities in the emerging markets and rapidly developed the growth points of new businesses; and 4. enhanced the internal incentive mechanism and further practised the core value of “Create Together”. The establishment and improvement of the patent system is an important manifestation of the core capability of an enterprise. In order to advance technological innovation, further improve the market competitiveness and prevent operational risks effectively in intellectual property rights, the Group has established a professional intellectual property rights management team which actively formulated strategies on corporate patents and has been proactively formulating overall planning in relation to the patent layout. As at 31 December 2021, the Group had 2,971 granted patents, including 1,092 invention patents, 1,806 utility model patents and 73 exterior design patents. In addition, 3,970 patent applications are pending for approval.