Annual Report 2021

16 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 光學零件 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,光學 零件事業的收入約人民幣 8,776,100,000 元, 較去年減少約 4.4% 。此業務部門佔本集團總收 入約 23.4% ,而在去年則佔約 24.2% 。 於回顧年內,本集團的手機鏡頭出貨量較去年 減少約 5.9% 至 1,439,545,000 件,其中 6 片塑 膠鏡片(「 6P 」)及以上產品佔總出貨量的比例 約 25.6% 。受全球智能手機市場需求疲軟、終 端配置規格下降、供應鏈限制等不利因素的影 響,本集團手機鏡頭的出貨增長與規格升級面 臨一定的壓力。面對不利的客觀環境,本集團 持續推動客戶結構的優化,提升研發和工藝技 術能力,進而在激烈的市場競爭中繼續鞏固了 市場份額全球第一的地位。同時,為滿足客戶 需求,本集團亦積極佈局產品創新,於回顧年 內完成了多款高規格手機鏡頭的研發,主要包 括適用於折疊手機的超薄超小頭部手機鏡頭、 兩億像素超大像面 (1/1.22” )手機鏡頭、採用 8 片塑膠鏡片(「 8P 」)的超大像面( 1/1.12” )手機 鏡頭、帶雙片自由曲面鏡片的廣角手機鏡頭及 專用於超高清人像拍攝的大像面( 1/1.5” )潛望 式手機鏡頭。此外,超廣角( 140° 以上)手機鏡 頭、超薄大像面( 1/1.5” )手機鏡頭及新款含玻 璃非球面鏡片的大像面主攝手機鏡頭已實現量 產。 OPTICAL COMPONENTS For the year ended 31 December 2021, the revenue from the Optical Components business segment was approximately RMB8,776.1 million, representing a decrease of approximately 4.4% as compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 23.4% of the Group’s total revenue, as compared to approximately 24.2% of last year. During the year under review, the shipment volume of handset lens sets of the Group amounted to 1,439,545,000 units, representing a decrease of approximately 5.9% as compared to that of last year, with 6 pieces of plastic lens (“ 6P ”) and above products accounting for approximately 25.6% of total shipment volume. Under the impact of the weak demand in the global smartphone market, the downgrade in specification of terminal configurations, the restrictions on the supply chain and other unfavorable factors, the shipment volume growth and the specification upgrade of handset lens sets of the Group were under certain pressures. Facing the unfavorable objective environment, the Group continued to promote the optimisation of the customer structure and enhance R&D and process and technological capabilities, thus continued to consolidate the global No. 1 position in terms of the market share amid fierce market competition. Meanwhile, the Group also proactively carried out the layout on product innovation to meet customers’ demands. During the year under review, it completed the R&D of various high-specification handset lens sets, mainly including ultra-thin miniaturized head handset lens sets for foldable phones, 200-mega pixel ultra-large image size (1/1.22”) handset lens sets, ultra-large image size (1/1.12”) handset lens sets with 8 pieces of plastic lens (“ 8P ”), wide-angle handset lens sets with two pieces of freeform lens and the large image size (1/1.5”) periscope handset lens sets specially for ultra-high-definition portrait shooting. Additionally, ultra-wide angle (140° above) handset lens sets, ultra-thin large image size (1/1.5”) handset lens sets and new large image size main handset lens sets with glass aspherical lenses have commenced mass production.