Annual Report 2021

17 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 在車載鏡頭業務方面,雖然芯片供應緊張嚴重 制約全球汽車銷量的增長,但車載鏡頭的搭載 率受益於自動駕駛的發展而持續提高。憑藉領 先的競爭優勢,於回顧年內,本集團的車載鏡 頭出貨量較去年增長約 21.0% 至 67,980,000 件,進一步穩固了市場份額全球第一的地位。 同時,本集團在車載鏡頭的技術研發和產品創 新方面持續取得突破。通過解決塑膠鏡片的溫 漂問題,本集團已於回顧年內完成了含多片塑 膠鏡片的 200 萬像素和 300 萬像素的玻塑混合 ADAS 車載鏡頭的研發,在大幅降低成本的同 時,亦優化了產品性能。同時,通過採用特殊 塑料材料和特殊鍍膜工藝,解決外露面塑料鏡 片的可靠性問題,本集團實現了全塑料後視車 載鏡頭的量產。此外,本集團深知平台廠商在 自動化駕駛演進過程中的重要性,目前已與多 家平台廠商展開深入合作。於回顧年內,多款 基於英偉達、高通及地平綫等平台的 800 萬像 素 ADAS 車載鏡頭已通過認證,並獲得了多家 車廠的平台化項目,且多個平台化項目已實現 量產。與此同時,本集團首創具備自動除霜除 霧功能的 ADAS 車載鏡頭,並獲得了多家車廠 3 級至 4 級的自動駕駛平台化項目。 In terms of the vehicle lens sets business, although the tight supply of chips severely restricted the global automobile sales growth, the adoption rate of vehicle lens sets continuously increased benefiting from the development of autonomous driving. Leveraging on its leading competitive advantages, the shipment volume of vehicle lens sets of the Group amounted to 67,980,000 units during the year under review, representing an increase of approximately 21.0% as compared to that of last year and further consolidated its global No. 1 position in terms of market share. Meanwhile, the Group continued to achieve breakthroughs in technological R&D and product innovation for vehicle lens sets. After tackling the problem of temperature excursion of plastic lenses, the Group has completed the R&D of 2-mega and 3-mega pixel ADAS hybrid vehicle lens sets containing multiple plastic lenses during the year under review, which could significantly reduce the cost and improve the performance of the products. Meanwhile, the Group also solved the reliability problem of exposed plastic lenses through the adoption of special plastic materials and special coating processes and commenced mass production of all-plastic rear-view vehicle lens sets. In addition, the Group deeply knows the important role of platform manufacturers in the evolution of autonomous driving and has carried out in-depth cooperation with various platform manufacturers. During the year under review, the Group has passed the certification on 8-mega pixel ADAS vehicle lens sets based on several platforms of NVIDIA, Qualcomm and Horizon Robotics, etc. and has obtained platform-based projects from various automobile manufacturers. Many platform-based projects have commenced mass production. Meanwhile, the Group initiated ADAS vehicle lens sets with the automatic defrosting and demisting functions and has obtained level 3 to level 4 of autonomous driving platform-based projects from various automobile manufacturers.