Annual Report 2021

18 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 在新興車載業務領域,本集團持續加快激光雷 達, HUD 、智能車燈等新產品的研發和市場推 廣,為不斷升級的智能駕駛系統持續佈局光學 傳感技術與產品。在激光雷達方面,通過提供 接收和發射鏡頭零組件、接收和發射模塊、光 學視窗及多邊棱鏡等核心光學零件,本集團已 於回顧年內獲得超過二十個定點合作項目,其 中有兩個項目已實現量產,並將持續為激光雷 達廠商賦能。在 HUD 方面,其核心零件之一的 自由曲面鏡已實現量產。同時,應用於全息 AR HUD 方案的核心光學引擎已開始小批量供貨。 在智能車燈方面,多款萬級像素投影模組的核 心鏡頭產品已開始小批量供貨。 在新興光學市場領域,本集團緊緊把握 VR 市場 蓬勃發展所帶來的機遇,積極開拓全球市場並 加大產品研發力度。於回顧年內,本集團完成 了新一代 VR 空間定位鏡頭的研發,進一步改善 了溫漂問題,提高空間定位的穩定性;同時, VR 雙目顯示模塊亦已完成研發,在畸變和色差 方面得到進一步改善,提升了 VR 的顯示效果。 此外,本集團的雙菲涅爾鏡片 VR 目鏡已實現量 產。該目鏡通過增大視場角,提升了 VR 的沉浸 感體驗。 於二零二一年十二月三十一日,本集團在光學 零件事業中已獲授權專利共 1,667 項,包括發 明專利 493 項,實用新型專利 1,167 項及外觀設 計專利 7 項。此外,另有 2,241 項專利正在申請 當中。 In terms of the emerging vehicle business field, the Group continued to speed up the R&D and market promotion of LiDAR, HUD, smart headlamp and other new products and continuously deployed optical sensing technologies and products for the continuous upgrade of smart driving system. In respect of LiDAR, through providing receiving and transmitting lens sets components and assemblies, receiving and transmitting modules, optical windows, polygonal prisms and other core optical components, the Group has obtained over 20 designated cooperative projects during the year under review, two of which have commenced mass production. The Group will continue to add value to LiDAR manufacturers. In respect of HUD, the Group has commenced mass production of freeform lenses, one of its core components. Meanwhile, the Group has commenced small-batch supply of the core optical engine for holographic AR HUD solutions. In respect of smart headlamp, the Group has commenced small-batch supply of the core lens sets for various 0.01-mega pixel projecting modules. In terms of the emerging optical market field, the Group firmly seized the opportunities from the booming VR market, vigorously explored the global market and boosted efforts in product R&D. During the year under review, the Group completed the R&D of the new-generation VR positioning lens sets, which further tackled temperature excursion and improved the stability of spatial orientation. Meanwhile, it also completed the R&D of binocular VR optical modules, which further improved distortion and chromatism and optimised the display effect of VR. Additionally, the Group has commenced mass production of VR eyepieces with two fresnel lenses. The eyepieces improved the immersive experience of VR through enlarging the field of view. As at 31 December 2021, a total of 1,667 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optical Components business segment, including 493 invention patents, 1,167 utility model patents and 7 exterior design patents. In addition, 2,241 patents are pending for approval.