Annual Report 2021

203 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 5. 收入(續) (i) 客戶合約收入的細分(續) (ii) 客戶合約的履約責任 本集團直接向客戶銷售光學及光學相 關產品。就光學零件、光電產品和光 學儀器的銷售而言,收入於貨品的控 制權轉移時,即取得客戶接受時確 認,即客戶能夠控制貨品的使用及實 質取得此等貨品的所有剩餘利益的時 間點。授予客戶的信貸期平均為 9 0 天。本集團收取的尚未確認收入的銷 售的交易價款,乃確認為合約負債。 5. REVENUE (Continued) (i) Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers (Continued) For the year ended 31 December 2020 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度 Optical Optoelectronic Optical Components Products Instruments 光學零件 光電產品 光學儀器 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 Types of goods 貨品種類 Sales of optical and related components 光學及相關零件銷售 9,181,097 28,494,260 326,408 Total 總額 9,181,097 28,494,260 326,408 Geographical markets 地區市場 China 中國 5,441,334 25,899,773 237,073 Asia (except China) 亞洲(中國除外) 2,177,165 2,492,908 25,418 Europe 歐洲 939,207 12,873 14,014 North America 北美洲 603,906 60,718 48,518 Others 其他 19,485 27,988 1,385 Total 總額 9,181,097 28,494,260 326,408 Timing of revenue recognition 確認收入的時間 At a point in time 時點確認 9,181,097 28,494,260 326,408 (ii) Performance obligations for contracts with customers The Group sells optical and optical-related products directly to customers. For sales of optical components, optoelectronic products and optical instruments, revenue is recognised when control of the goods has transferred, being when customer acceptance has been obtained, which is the point of time when the customer has the ability to direct the use of these products and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits of these products. The credit term granted to customers is average 90 days. The transaction price received by the Group is recognised as a contract liability for sales in which revenue has yet been recognised.