Annual Report 2021

19 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS For the year ended 31 December 2021, the revenue from the Optoelectronic Products business segment was approximately RMB28,333.5 million, representing a slight decrease of approximately 0.6% as compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 75.6% of the Group’s total revenue, as compared to approximately 75.0% of last year. During the year under review, the shipment volume of handset camera modules of the Group amounted to 673,725,000 units, representing an increase of approximately 13.6% as compared to that of last year, with the periscope modules and large image size (image size is 1/1.7” and above) modules accounting for approximately 6.7% of total shipment volume. Under the impact of the weak demand for smartphone market, the downgrade in terminal configurations, the lower proportion of high-end products and other unfavorable factors, the Group surmounted the challenges, overcame heavy pressures and further expanded the shares in domestic and foreign famous customers. It achieved a good shipment growth during the year under review and occupied the global No. 1 position in terms of the market share. At the same time, in order to further strengthen the market competitiveness and enhance the technological added-value of the products, the Group has completed the R&D of various handset camera modules during the year under review, including cost-effective 5X optical zoom periscope handset camera modules and ultra large image size (1/1.12”) handset camera modules. In addition, dual OIS handset camera modules and new large image size main handset camera modules with glass aspherical lenses have commenced mass production. In addition, the Group further strengthened the R&D and introduction of the process capability. While achieving high level of automation, it significantly improved the output efficiency and the production yield rate during the whole manufacturing process. During the year under review, the Group developed the close-loop assembly and testing line independently and put it into use, realising one-stop production and turnover from chip on board (“ COB ”) to active alignment (“ AA ”) and testing. Therefore, it can save the turnover time and reduce the defect rate in turnover. Meanwhile, the Group has completed the development of equipment for the testing of OIS handset camera modules, which has been successfully put into production. The equipment can realise automatic loading and unloading and the operation model with one person responsible for more machines, thereby significantly improving the testing efficiency. 光電產品 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,光電 產品事業的收入約人民幣 28,333,500,000 元, 較去年略微減少約 0.6% 。此業務部門佔本集團 的總收入約 75.6% ,而在去年則佔約 75.0% 。 於回顧年內,本集團的手機攝像模組出貨量較 去年增長約 13.6% 至 673,725,000 件,其中潛 望模組及大像面(芯片面在 1/1.7” 及以上)模組 佔總出貨量的比例約 6.7% 。在智能手機市場需 求低迷、終端配置降級,高端產品比重下降等 眾多不利因素的影響下,本集團迎難而上,克 服重重壓力,進一步提升在國內外名主角客戶 的份額,於回顧年內實現了良好的出貨增長, 佔據了市場份額全球第一的地位。同時,為了 進一步增強市場競爭力,提升產品的技術附加 值,本集團於回顧年內已完成多款手機攝像模 組的研發,包括高性價比的 5 倍光學變焦潛望 式手機攝像模組及超大像面( 1/1.12” )手機攝 像模組。此外,雙 OIS 手機攝像模組及新款含 玻璃非球面鏡片的大像面主攝手機攝像模組已 實現量產。 此外,本集團進一步加強製程能力的研發導 入,在實現高度自動化的同時大幅提高了全製 程的產出效率與生產良率。於回顧年內,本集 團自研連線閉環反饋矯正線體並投入使用,實 現板上芯片封裝(「 COB 」)、主動對準(「 AA 」) 及測試一站式的生產及流轉,在節省流轉時間 的同時降低了流轉不良比率。同時,本集團已 開發完成可用於 OIS 類手機攝像模組測試的設 備,並成功投產。該設備可實現自動上下料及 一人多機的作業方式,大幅提高測試效率。