Annual Report 2021

20 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 在車載模組業務方面,本集團為解決客戶痛點 及行業難點,從產品創新和提高產品品質等角 度出發,確保產品性能和可靠性,深耕全產品 線的技術要素,完善環境感知、艙內監測及外 攝顯像等的產品線佈局。於回顧年內,本集團 完成了多款車載模組的研發,包括 300 萬像素 全景車載模組、 300 萬像素電子後視鏡超廣角 車載模組及超高像素汽車視頻日誌(「 Carlog 」) 車載模組。同時,本集團也實現了多款環境感 知車載模組的量產,產品包括 170 萬、 200 萬、 500 萬和 800 萬像素;並且,本集團適配地平 線、 Mobileye 及英偉達平台的 800 萬像素車載 模組已獲取 10 余家客戶定點,其中適配地平綫 和 Mobileye 平台的 800 萬像素車載模組已實現 量產。而在艙內監測方面, 130 萬及 200 萬像素 駕駛員監測車載模組和 200 萬像素乘客監測車 載模組也已實現量產,產品銷往海內外優質客 戶。此外,隨著車載攝像頭精度及可靠性的要 求不斷提升,基於多年在攝像頭模組行業的深 厚積累,本集團已建立車規級的 COB 生產線, 並已具備量產能力。 在機器人視覺業務方面,本集團持續佈局機器 人識別與定位兩大產品線,深耕技術創新,力 求開拓更廣闊的市場應用。其中,在識別類業 務方面,結合自主開發及優化的算法,本集團 的結構光模組產品在人身核驗應用場景上取得 突破,雙攝和結構光模組產品在人臉識別智能 門鎖應用場景也已獲得客戶認可。在定位類業 務方面,本集團的 VR 視覺模組市場份額繼續引 領行業,並作為主力供應商與全球知名客戶開 展合作。同時,以即時定位與建圖(「 SLAM 」) 及視覺導航技術為核心的服務機器人視覺系統 解決方案開始在客戶端應用落地。此外,本集 團的視覺 AI 芯片已於回顧年內完成流片,以推 動本集團為客戶提供更加綜合的光學系統解決 方案。 In terms of vehicle modules business, in order to solve customers’ pain points and industrial difficulties, the Group ensured product performance and reliability from the perspective of product innovation and improving product quality, deepened the technical elements of the whole product lines, and improved the layout of product lines including environmental sensing, in-cabin monitoring and external viewing. During the year under review, the Group completed the R&D of various vehicle modules, including 3-mega pixel panoramic vehicle modules, 3-mega pixel ultra- wide angle vehicle modules for rear-view electronic mirror and super high resolution vehicle modules for car video blog (“ Carlog ”). Meanwhile, the Group has also achieved mass production of various sensing vehicle modules for external environment, including 1.7-mega pixel, 2-mega pixel, 5-mega pixel and 8-mega pixel. In addition, the Group’s 8-mega pixel vehicle modules applied to the platforms of Horizon Robotics, Mobileye and NVIDIA have obtained more than 10 designated customers, among which 8-mega pixel vehicle modules applied to Horizon Robotics and Mobileye have commenced mass production. In terms of in-cabin monitoring, 1.3-mega pixel and 2-mega pixel driver monitoring vehicle modules and 2-mega pixel occupancy monitoring vehicle modules have also commenced mass production and the products were sold to superior domestic and overseas customers. Moreover, with the constantly increasing requirements on the accuracy and reliability of vehicle cameras and based on its extensive experience in the camera module industry, the Group has established the automotive-grade COB production line and has the capability to commence mass production. In terms of the robotic vision business, the Group continued to deploy two product categories of robotic recognition and positioning and focused on technological innovation to explore broader market applications. In terms of the recognition business, the Group has made breakthroughs in structured light modules with its self-developed and self-optimised algorithm in the application scenario of identity verification. The dual-camera and structured light modules have also been recognized by customers in the application scenario of smart door locks with facial recognition. In terms of the positioning business, the Group’s VR visual modules were in the leading position in terms of market share and it conducted cooperation with globally-renowned customers as a major supplier. At the same time, the solutions for the visual systems of service robots with the simultaneous location and mapping (“ SLAM ”) and the visual navigation technology as the core have commenced application in the clients. Additionally, the Group has completed the tape-out of visual AI chips during the year under review to facilitate the Group to provide more comprehensive optical system solutions to customers.