Annual Report 2021

21 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 於二零二一年十二月三十一日,本集團在光電 產品事業中已獲授權專利共 1,109 項,包括發 明專利 557 項,實用新型專利 513 項及外觀設計 專利 39 項。此外,另有 1,642 項專利正在申請 當中。 光學儀器 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,光學 儀器事業的收入約人民幣 387,300,000 元,較 去年增長約 18.7% 。此業務部門佔本集團的總 收入約 1.0% ,而在去年則佔約 0.8% 。 在顯微鏡業務方面,本集團連續多年鑽研技術 創新以實現進一步突破。於回顧年內,本集團 完成了國內首款商用 25X 無限遠平場長工作距 多光子水鏡的研發,該水鏡擁有大數值孔徑及 寬波段色差校正,實現了近紅外單光子、多光 子大深度高空間解析度的突破。與此同時,超 級復消色差全系列物鏡實現量產。該物鏡擁有 國內最大的數值孔徑和色差校正範圍,可實現 高分辨率、高精度科研領域的成像。 在智能裝備業務方面,工業與醫療領域仍然是 本集團重點投入的兩大應用場景。在工業領 域,本集團於回顧年內成功完成了 VR 模塊 AA 設備的研發,該設備用於 VR 模組及液晶顯示屏 幕主動對準。此外,手機鏡頭檢測一體化線體 也已完成研發。同時,用於汽車中控台玻璃外 觀檢測的大尺寸車載平面玻璃檢測設備已實現 量產。此外,在醫療領域,本集團完成了染色 體核型自動顯微掃描儀的研發。該設備可應用 在產前檢查篩查和診斷、遺傳病診斷、血液腫 瘤診斷等領域,成功實現進口替代。 As at 31 December 2021, a total of 1,109 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optoelectronic Products business segment, including 557 invention patents, 513 utility model patents and 39 exterior design patents. In addition, 1,642 patents are pending for approval. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2021, the revenue from the Optical Instruments business segment was approximately RMB387.3 million, representing an increase of approximately 18.7% as compared to that of last year. This segment accounted for approximately 1.0% of the Group’s total revenue, as compared to approximately 0.8% of last year. In terms of the microscopes business, the Group has been immersed in into technological innovation for consecutive years to achieve further breakthroughs. During the year under review, the Group has completed the R&D of the first 25X flat field multiphoton excitation dedicated objectives for commercial use in China. With large numerical aperture and broadband achromatic correction, the objectives achieved breakthroughs in near-infrared single-photon and multiphoton in-depth and high spatial resolution. Meanwhile, all series of objective lenses of super apochromat have commenced mass production. Such objective lenses have the largest numerical aperture and achromatic correction range in China, and can realize high resolution and high precision imaging in the scientific research field. In terms of the intelligent equipment business, the Group continued to place strong emphasis on two application scenarios, namely the industrial and medical fields. In the industrial field, the Group successfully completed the R&D of AA equipment for VR modules during the year under review. The equipment is used in active alignment for VR modules and liquid crystal displays. Besides, it also completed the R&D of the integrated production line for the testing of handset lens sets. Meanwhile, the vehicle plain glass with large size inspection equipment for appearance inspection of the glass of active center stack has commenced mass production. Additionally, in the medical field, the Group has completed the R&D of chromosome caryotype auto microscopic scanner, which can be applied in prenatal examination, screening and diagnosis, genetic diseases diagnosis, hematologic tumor diagnosis and other fields and has successfully replaced imported equipment.