Annual Report 2021

234 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 18. 於聯營公司的權益(續) 於報告期末,本集團各聯營公司的詳情如 下: 18. INTERESTS IN ASSOCIATES (Continued) Details of each of the Group’s associates at the end of the reporting period are as follow: Name of associate Places of registration/ operation Proportion of ownership interests held by the Group Principal activity 聯營公司名稱 註冊地點╱ 營業地點 本集團持有的 所有權權益比例 主要業務 2021 2020 二零二一年 二零二零年 Visiondigi (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd. (“ Visiondigi Shanghai ”)* The PRC 中國 N/A 不適用 30.85% Manufacture and sale of closed circuit television 上海威乾視頻技術有限公司(「 上海威乾 」) 生產及銷售閉路電視 Jiangsu Sunny Medical Equipments Co., Ltd.* 江蘇舜宇醫療器械有限公司 The PRC 中國 31.00% 31.00% Manufacture and sale of medical instrument business 生產及銷售醫療儀器業務 SCIVAX Co., Ltd. (“ SCIVAX ”)* SCIVAX 株式會社(「 SCIVAX 」) Japan 日本 14.26% 18.30% Research and development of advanced nanotechnology 研究及開發先進納米技術 浙江生一光學感知科技有限公司 浙江生一光學感知科技有限公司 The PRC 中國 25.00% 25.00% Research and development of optical products 研究及開發光學產品 餘姚市陽明智行投資中心 ( 有限合夥 ) (“ V Fund ”) 餘姚市陽明智行投資中心(有限合夥)(「 V 基金 」) The PRC 中國 16.41% 16.41% Equity Investment 股權投資 杭州九州舜創股權投資合夥企業 ( 有限合夥 ) # 杭州九州舜創股權投資合夥企業(有限合夥) # The PRC 中國 15.63% N/A 不適用 Equity Investment 股權投資 杭州舜富股權投資合夥企業 ( 有限合夥 ) # The PRC 52.00% N/A Equity Investment 杭州舜富股權投資合夥企業 ( 有限合夥 ) # 中國 不適用 股權投資 * The English names of the above entities established in the PRC and Japan are translated for identification purpose only. # These associates were established during the current year, which are mainly engaged in equity investment in the optoelectronic and relevant industries. * 於中國及日本成立的上述實體的英文名稱 為翻譯名稱,僅供識別。 # 該等聯營公司於本年度期間成立,主要從 事光電及相關產業股權投資。