Annual Report 2021

22 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 As at 31 December 2021, a total of 195 granted patents have been obtained by the Group in the Optical Instruments business segment, including 42 invention patents, 126 utility model patents and 27 exterior design patents. In addition, 87 patents are pending for approval. FINANCIAL REVIEW Revenue For the year ended 31 December 2021, the Group’s revenue was approximately RMB37,496.9 million, representing a slight decrease of approximately 1.3% as compared to that of last year. The slight decrease in revenue was mainly attributable to the fact that the shipment volume of handset lens sets decreased as compared to that of last year, and the average selling prices of handset lens sets and handset camera modules decreased as compared to that of last year, which were affected by the downgraded specification and configuration of smartphone camera. Revenue generated from the Optical Components business segment was approximately RMB8,776.1 million, representing a slight decrease of approximately 4.4% as compared to that of last year. The slight decrease in revenue was mainly attributable to the fact that the shipment volume of handset lens sets slightly decreased as compared to that of last year, and the average selling price of handset lens sets decreased as compared to that of last year, which was affected by the downgraded specification and configuration of smartphone camera. Revenue generated from the Optoelectronic Products business segment was approximately RMB28,333.5 million, representing a slight decrease of approximately 0.6% as compared to that of last year. The slight decrease in revenue was mainly attributable to the fact that although the shipment volume of handset camera modules increased compared to that of last year, the average selling price of handset camera modules decreased significantly as compared to that of last year, which was affected by the downgraded specification and configuration of smartphone camera and the change of customer structure, which offset the revenue growth brought by the increased shipment volume. Revenue generated from the Optical Instruments business segment was approximately RMB387.3 million, representing an increase of approximately 18.7% as compared to that of last year. The increase in revenue was mainly attributable to the increased market demand for optical instruments applied to domestic industrial sector and the market recovery of overall overseas market. 於二零二一年十二月三十一日,本集團在光學 儀器事業中已獲授權專利共 195 項,包括發明 專利 42 項,實用新型專利 126 項及外觀設計專 利 27 項。此外,另有 87 項專利正在申請當中。 財務回顧 收入 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本集 團的收入約人民幣 37,496,900,000 元,較去年 略微減少約 1.3% 。收入略微減少主要是因為手 機鏡頭的出貨量較去年減少,且受智能手機攝 像頭降規降配的影響,手機鏡頭和手機攝像模 組的平均銷售單價較去年皆有所下降。 光學零件事業的收入約人民幣 8,776,100,000 元,較去年略微減少約 4.4% 。收入略微減少主 要是因為手機鏡頭的出貨量較去年小幅減少, 且受智能手機攝像頭降規降配的影響,手機鏡 頭的平均銷售單價較去年有所下降。 光電產品事業的收入約人民幣 28,333,500,000 元,較去年略微減少約 0.6% 。收入略微減少主 要是因為雖然手機攝像模組的出貨量較去年增 長,但受智能手機攝像頭降規降配及客戶結構 變化的影響,手機攝像模組的平均銷售單價較 去年下降幅度較大,抵銷了出貨量增長而帶來 的收入增長。 光學儀器事業的收入約人民幣 387,300,000 元,較去年增長約 18.7% 。收入增長主要是因 為由應用於國內工業領域的光學儀器市場需求 增長及整體海外市場需求恢復所致。