Annual Report 2021

247 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 27. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Continued) Foreign exchange swap contracts The Group entered into several Euro (“ EUR ”)/USD and HKD/USD foreign exchange swap contracts with banks in the PRC in order to manage the Group’s foreign currency risk. Receiving currency Selling currency Maturity date Strike Rate 收取貨幣 賣出貨幣 到期日 行使匯率 Contract A USD30,038,473 EUR26,442,039 7 January 2022 EUR:USD: 1.14 合約 A 30,038,473 美元 26,442,039 歐元 二零二二年一月七日 歐元兌美元: 1.14 Contract B USD30,000,000 HKD233,928,000 1 June 2022 USD:HKD: 7.80 合約 B 30,000,000 美元 233,928,000 港元 二零二二年六月一日 美元兌港元: 7.80 Contract C USD30,000,000 HKD233,967,000 28 June 2022 USD:HKD: 7.80 合約 C 30,000,000 美元 233,967,000 港元 二零二二年六月二十八日 美元兌港元: 7.80 The Group has entered certain derivative transactions that are covered by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreements (“ ISDA Agreements ”) signed with a bank. These derivative instruments are not offset in the consolidated statement of financial position as the ISDA Agreements are in place with a right of set off only in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy so that the Group currently has no legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts. 27. 衍生金融資產及負債(續) 外匯掉期合約 本集團已與中國的銀行訂立若干歐元(「 歐 元 」)兌美元及港元兌美元的外匯掉期合 約,以管理本集團的外匯風險。 本集團已訂立若干衍生工具交易,與銀行 簽訂的國際掉期及衍生工具協會總協議 (「 國際掉期及衍生工具協會總協議 」)涉及 該等交易。由於國際掉期及衍生工具協會 總協議規定,僅可於出現拖欠款項、無力 償債或破產的情況下行使抵銷權,故本集 團目前並無可抵銷已確認款項的依法可強 制執行權利,因此,該等衍生工具並未於 綜合財務狀況表內抵銷。