Annual Report 2021

23 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin The gross profit of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021 was approximately RMB8,736.2 million, representing an increase of approximately 0.4% as compared to that of last year. The gross profit margin was approximately 23.3% (2020: approximately 22.9%), which was approximately 0.4 percentage point higher as compared to that of last year. The gross profit margins of Optical Components business segment, Optoelectronic Products business segment and Optical Instruments business segment were approximately 39.5%, 13.7% and 45.1%, respectively (2020: approximately 42.8%, 12.6% and 39.2% respectively). Selling and Distribution Expenses The selling and distribution expenses of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021 were approximately RMB274.1 million, representing a decrease of approximately 12.6% as compared to that of last year. It accounted for approximately 0.7% of the Group’s revenue during the year, as compared to approximately 0.8% of last year. The decrease in absolute amount was attributable to the continuous strengthening of expense management by the Group. The testing fees, property insurance premiums and other selling and distribution expenses have been decreased. R&D Expenditure The R&D expenditure of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021 was approximately RMB2,642.2 million, representing an increase of approximately 5.7% as compared to that of last year. It accounted for approximately 7.0% of the Group’s revenue during the year, as compared to approximately 6.6% of last year. The increase in absolute amount was attributable to the Group’s continuous investments in the upgrade of existing products and the R&D of products related to the emerging businesses of the Group. Administrative Expenses The administrative expenses of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021 were approximately RMB757.6 million, representing an increase of approximately 5.4% as compared to that of last year. It accounted for approximately 2.0% of the Group’s revenue during the year, as compared to approximately 1.9% of last year. The increase in absolute amount was attributable to the increase in the headcount and remuneration of administrative staff, the grant of restricted shares and the informationization construction. 毛利及毛利率 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本 集團的毛利約人民幣 8,736,200,000 元,較去 年上升約 0.4% 。毛利率則約 23.3% (二零二零 年:約 22.9% ),較去年上升約 0.4 個百分點。 光學零件事業的毛利率約 39.5% (二零二零年: 約 42.8% ),光電產品事業的毛利率約 13.7% (二零二零年:約 12.6% )及光學儀器事業的毛 利率約 45.1% (二零二零年:約 39.2% )。 銷售及分銷開支 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本 集團的銷售及分銷開支約人民幣 274,100,000 元,較去年減少約 12.6% ,於年內佔本集團收 入約 0.7% ,去年佔比約 0.8% 。有關絕對金額 的減少是由於本集團持續加強了費用管理。檢 測費、財產保險費等銷售及分銷開支有所下降。 研發開支 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本 集團的研發開支約人民幣 2,642,200,000 元, 較去年上升約 5.7% ,於年內佔本集團收入約 7.0% ,去年佔比約 6.6% 。有關絕對金額的增 加是由於本集團持續投入於現有產品的升級以 及本集團新興業務相關產品的研發。 行政開支 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,本 集團的行政開支約人民幣 757,600,000 元, 較去年上升約 5.4% ,於年內佔本集團收入約 2.0% ,去年佔比約 1.9% 。有關絕對金額的增 加是由於行政員工人數及薪資的上升、限制性 股份的授出及信息化的建設。