Annual Report 2021

253 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 32. GOVERNMENT GRANTS/DEFERRED INCOME (Continued) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 二零二一年 十二月三十一日 二零二零年 十二月三十一日 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 Deferred income related to government grants: 政府補助金遞延收入: Subsidies related to technology enhancement of production lines (Note a) 生產線技術改進補貼(附註 a ) 90,573 55,945 Subsidies related to research and development of technology projects (Note b) 技術項目研發補貼(附註 b ) 30,033 21,605 Subsidies related to construction of staff living facilities (Note d) 興建員工生活配套設施補貼(附註 d ) 73,997 – Total 總計 194,603 77,550 Less: current portion 減:即期部分 (6,099) (8,695) Non-current portion 非即期部分 188,504 68,855 Notes: (a) The Group received grants from the local government for the purpose of increasing in production capacity for high-end handset lens sets by enhancement of production lines. The amounts are deferred and amortised over the useful lives of the relevant assets in the enhanced production lines. (b) The Group received grants for reimbursement towards the costs of research and development of certain technology projects with local government and various parties. The amounts are deferred and amortised over period of the respective research and development projects. (c) Incentive subsidies were received from the local government in recognition of the eminence of development of new products, achievement of certain revenue and export volume milestones of the Group. The subsidies were unconditional and granted on a discretionary basis to the Group and recognised in profit or loss when received. (d) The Group received grants from the local government to support the construction and improvement of staff living facilities. The amounts are deferred and amortised over the useful lives of the staff living facilities. 32. 政府補助金╱遞延收入 (續) 附註: (a) 本集團獲得地方政府的補貼,以通過改進 生產線提高高端手機鏡頭產能。該等金額 作遞延並於各已改進生產線的相關資產的 可使用年期內攤銷。 (b) 本集團獲得地方政府及有關各方的補貼, 以補助部分技術項目研發成本。該等金額 作遞延並於各研發項目期間攤銷。 (c) 地方政府提供獎勵補貼以嘉許本集團開發 新產品、達到收入指標及發展出口業務。 該等補貼為無條件及酌情授予本集團及於 收取時於損益中確認。 (d) 本集團獲得地方政府補貼,以支持員工生 活配套設施的興建及裝修。該等金額作遞 延並於員工生活配套設施的可使用年期內 攤銷。