Annual Report 2021

264 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 36. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (Continued) b. Financial risk management objectives and policies (Continued) Credit risk and impairment assessment (Continued) Other than concentration of credit risk on liquid funds which are deposited with several banks with high credit ratings, the Group has concentration of credit risk as 23% (2020: 28%) and 47% (2020: 51%) of the total trade receivables was due from the Group’s largest customer and the five largest customers, respectively. Revenue from the top five trade debtors represent over 46% (2020: 56%) of the Group’s revenue for the year ended 31 December 2021. The Directors of the Company, the associates and the shareholders have no interest in the customers mentioned above. The largest five customers’ manufacturing facilities are located in the PRC, Vietnam and India, and their principal activities are manufacturing of smartphones and optical related products. The Group also has concentration of credit risk on its deposits for acquisition of property, plant and equipment as 50% (2020: 61%) of the total deposits for acquisition of property, plant and equipment was paid to the Group’s largest three suppliers of property, plant and equipment. The credit risk on the deposits paid is limited as these suppliers are large construction enterprises and equipment suppliers in the PRC, Hong Kong and Korea. Other than the above, the Group has no other significant concentration of credit risk with exposure spread over a large number of counterparties and customers. 36. 金融工具(續) b. 財務風險管理目標及政策(續) 信貸風險及減值評估(續) 除於若干信貸評級良好的銀行存放的 流動資金存在信貸集中風險外,本集 團另有信貸集中風險,皆因本集團總 貿易應收款項中,最大客戶與前五大 客戶分別佔 23% (二零二零年: 28% ) 及 47% (二零二零年: 51% )。截至二 零二一年十二月三十一日止年度,來 自前五大貿易債務人的收入佔本集團 收入逾 46% (二零二零年: 56% )。本 公司董事、聯繫人及股東於上述客戶 中並無任何權益。前五大客戶的生產 設施位於中國、越南及印度,且其主 要業務為製造智能手機及光學相關產 品。 本集團因購置物業、機器及設備的按 金而承受信貸集中風險,皆因本集團 已向前三大物業、機器及設備供應商 支付購置物業、機器及設備總按金的 50% (二零二零年: 61% )。已付按金 的信貸風險有限,因為該等供應商為 中國、香港及韓國的大型建築企業及 設備供應商。 除上文所述者外,本集團並無其他重 大信貸集中風險,皆因有關風險乃分 散於多名對手方及客戶之中。