Annual Report 2021

292 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 42. SHARE AWARD SCHEME (Continued) Details of the shares held by the Directors of the Company included in the above table are as follows: Balance Granted Forfeited Vested Balance at during during during at Type 1.1.2021 the year the year the year 31.12.2021 類別 於二零二一年 一月一日 的結餘 於年內授出 於年內失效 於年內歸屬 於二零二一年 十二月三十一日 的結餘 ’000 ’000 ’000 ’000 ’000 千股 千股 千股 千股 千股 Shares 股份 180 25 – (101) 104 Balance Granted Forfeited Vested Balance at during during during at Type 1.1.2020 the year the year the year 31.12.2020 於二零二零年 一月一日 的結餘 於年內授出 於年內失效 於年內歸屬 於二零二零年 十二月三十一日 的結餘 類別 ’000 ’000 ’000 ’000 ’000 千股 千股 千股 千股 千股 Shares 股份 253 35 – (108) 180 The equity-settled share-based payments charged to the profit or loss was RMB188,278,000 for the year ended 31 December 2021 (2020: RMB151,811,000). 42. 股份獎勵計劃(續) 上表所載本公司董事所持股份的詳情如 下: 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度, 於損益扣除的以權益結算股份支付的款項 為人民幣 188,278,000 元(二零二零年:人 民幣 151,811,000 元)。