Annual Report 2021

300 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 Name of subsidiary Place of incorporation/ registration/ operation Issued and fully paid up share capital/ registered capital Attributable equity interest held by the Group Principal activities 附屬公司名稱 成立地點╱ 註冊地點╱營運地點 已發行及繳足股本╱ 註冊資本 本集團持有的應佔權益 主要業務 2021 2020 二零二一年 二零二零年 Sunny Opotech Vietnam Co., Ltd. 舜宇光電越南有限公司 Vietnam 越南 Registered and contributed capital USD3,000,000 註冊及實繳股本 3,000,000 美元 100% 100% Manufacture and sale of optical components 生產及銷售光學零件 Sunny Opotech India Private Limited 舜宇光電信息印度有限公司 India 印度 Registered and contributed capital INR183,701,000 註冊及實繳股本 183,701,000 印度盧比 100% 100% Manufacture and sale of optoelectronics components 生產及銷售光電零件 # Sunny Mobility Technologies (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. # 寧波舜宇智行傳感技術有限公司 The PRC 中國 Registered and contributed capital RMB29,509,710 註冊及實繳股本 人民幣 29,509,710 元 68.67% 68.67% Sales and development of optoelectronics products 銷售及開發光電產品 # Zhejiang Sunny SmartLead Technologies Co., Ltd. # 浙江舜宇智領技術有限公司 The PRC 中國 Registered and contributed capital RMB73,514,500 註冊及實繳股本 人民幣 73,514,500 元 68.67% 68.67% Sales and development of optoelectronics products 銷售及開發光電產品 43. PARTICULARS OF SUBSIDIARIES (Continued) Particulars of subsidiaries indirectly held, unless otherwise stated, by the Company at 31 December 2021 and 2020 are as follows (Continued): 43. 附屬公司詳情(續) 除另有說明外,本公司於二零二一年及二 零二零年十二月三十一日間接持有的附屬 公司詳情如下:(續)