Annual Report 2021

42 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 僱員和薪酬政策 於二零二一年十二月三十一日,本集團擁有 24,664 名全職僱員。為吸納新人才,激勵及挽 留現有人才,本集團已根據本公司的整體運營 情況、同行業水平及僱員的個人表現,建立公 平及具競爭力的薪酬及福利制度,其中薪酬包 括基本年薪、年終獎及經濟增加值分享獎等, 福利待遇包括社會保險、住房公積金、僱員假 期、急難救助基金等,表明本集團努力實現僱 員在薪酬分配上「責任與利益一致、能力與價 值一致、風險與回報一致、業績與收益一致」 的目標。 本集團自二零一零年起特別採納限制性股份獎 勵計劃(「 限制性股份獎勵計劃 」),旨在為對本 集團有貢獻的合資格參與者提供鼓勵和獎勵, 增強員工的主人翁精神。截至二零二一年十二 月三十一日止年度,本集團根據限制性股份獎 勵計劃授出 1,459,928 股股份予合資格參與者。 EMPLOYEE AND REMUNERATION POLICY The Group had 24,664 full-time employees as at 31 December 2021. In line with the overall operation of the Company, the industry level and the performance of individual employees, the Group has established a fair and competitive salary and welfare system to recruit new talents and to reward and retain existing talents, in which the salary package including annual basic salary, year-end bonus and the economic-value-added bonus, while the welfare package including social insurance, housing provident fund, employee holidays and emergency relief fund, thereby representing the Group’s efforts to achieve the goals of “consistency in responsibilities and interests, abilities and values, risks and returns, performance and income” in remuneration distribution. The Group has particularly adopted the restricted share award scheme (“ Restricted Share Award Scheme ”) since 2010, with a view to provide incentives and rewards to eligible participants to recognise their contribution to the Group and to enhance their ownership spirits. For the year ended 31 December 2021, 1,459,928 shares were granted by the Group to eligible participants in accordance with the Restricted Share Award Scheme.