Annual Report 2021

43 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 AWARDS AND HONORS During the year, the Group received numerous honors from customers, industrial associations and institutions, local governments and the capital market. These awards and honors were recorded as follows: Sunny Zhejiang Optics was awarded the “Best Delivery Award” by ZTE Corporation Sunny Zhejiang Optics was awarded the “2021 Excellent Supplier Award” by Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd. Sunny Zhejiang Optics was awarded the “2021 Quality Management Innovation Award of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government” Sunny Automotive Optech was awarded the “Excellence in Technology Award” by Jiangsu New Vision Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd. Sunny Automotive Optech was awarded the “Excellent Supplier Award” by Bosch Group Sunny Opotech was awarded the “Best Technological Innovation Award” by ZTE Corporation Sunny Optical Intelligence was awarded the “Co-Innovation Award” by Beijing Roborock Technology Co., Ltd. The Company’s Moody credit rating was raised from “Baa2” to “Baa1” The Company was awarded the “The Most Remarkable Investor Relations Recognition (Hang Seng Index Category)” at “Quam IR Awards 2020” for the third consecutive year The Company was awarded the “Best Tech Constituent Stock” at the selection event of “Hong Kong Outstanding Listed Enterprises Awards 2021” 獎項及榮譽 於年內,本集團獲得了來自客戶、行業協會和 機構、地方政府和資本市場的多項榮譽。這些 獎項及榮譽記錄如下: 舜宇浙江光學榮獲中興通訊股份有限公司的 「最佳交付獎」 舜宇浙江光學榮獲聞泰科技股份有限公司的 「 2021 年度優秀供應商獎」 舜宇浙江光學榮獲「 2021 年浙江省人民政府質 量管理創新獎」 舜宇車載光學榮獲江蘇澤景汽車電子股份有限 公司的「卓越技術獎」 舜宇車載光學榮獲博世集團的「優秀供應商獎」 舜宇光電榮獲中興通訊股份有限公司的「最佳 技術創新獎」 舜宇智能光學榮獲北京石頭世紀科技股份有限 公司的「聯合創新獎」 本公司的穆迪信用評級從「 B a a 2 」提高至 「 Baa1 」 本公司於「華富卓越投資者關係大獎 2020 」評 選活動中連續第三年榮獲「投資者關係大獎(恒 生指數類別)」 本公司於「香港傑出上市公司企業大獎 2021 」 評選活動中榮獲「傑出科技成份股」