Annual Report 2021

49 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 Independent Non-executive Directors Mr. Zhang Yuqing ( 張余慶 ), aged 74, is an independent non-executive Director and the chairman of Audit Committee. Mr. Zhang has worked in MBCloud (Shenzhen) Information Technology Co., Ltd. ( 招銀雲 創 ( 深圳 ) 信息技術有限公司 ) as finance-in-charge from May 2017 to March 2020. Mr. Zhang worked in Shanghai Port Bureau as heads of the financial division as well as the auditing division. He was also appointed as a director of Shanghai Worldbest Industry Development Co., Ltd. ( 上海華源企業發展股份有限公司 ) from 2001 to 2003 and acted as its chief financial officer. Mr. Zhang worked in Shandong Sito Bio-technology Co., Ltd. ( 山東賽託生物科技股份有限公司 ) as chief financial officer from 2014 to 2017. Mr. Zhang graduated from Shanghai Maritime University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and is a senior accountant and a non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has been an independent non-executive Director of the Company since May 2007. Mr. Zhang has professional knowledge in optical industry, as well as extensive experience in financial management, company operations, capital market, risk management and strategic planning, and has years of leadership experience in board committee. Mr. Feng Hua Jun ( 馮華君 ), aged 58, is an independent non-executive Director and the chairman of Nomination Committee. Mr. Feng has been teaching in the Zhejiang University since August 1986 and been promoted to his current positions of professor and doctoral supervisor in July 1998, mainly responsible for works involving teaching and scientific research. Mr. Feng was the director for the Institute of Optical Engineering, the director for the Institute of Optical Imaging Engineering and the head of Department of Optoelectronic Information Engineering of Zhejiang University. Mr. Feng obtained a bachelor’s degree in July 1983 from Zhejiang University in optical instrument engineering, and also obtained a master’s degree in July 1986 in optical instrument engineering from the same university. Mr. Feng has been an independent non-executive Director of Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., Ltd. ( 杭州遠方光電信息股份有限公司 ) (stock code: 300306) since May 2016. He has been an independent non-executive Director of the Company since April 2016. Mr. Feng has extremely senior professional knowledge in optical industry, as well as extensive experience in risk management and strategic planning, and has years of leadership experience in board committee. 獨立非執行董事 張余慶先生, 74 歲,獨立非執行董事兼審核 委員會主席。張先生於二零一七年五月至二零 二零年三月出任招銀雲創(深圳)信息技術有 限公司的財務負責人。張先生曾於上海港務局 出任財務處及審計處處長,且於二零零一年至 二零零三年間獲委任為上海華源企業發展股份 有限公司董事,並出任財務總監。張先生於二 零一四年至二零一七年間出任山東賽託生物科 技股份有限公司財務總監。張先生於一九八二 年畢業於上海海運學院,取得經濟學學士學 位,為高級會計師,並為中國註冊會計師協會 非執業委員。其自二零零七年五月起擔任本公 司之獨立非執行董事。張先生具備光學行業的 專業知識,同時在財務管理、公司運營、資本 市場、風險管理及戰略規劃方面均有豐富的經 驗,並且有多年的董事委員會領導經驗。 馮華君先生, 58 歲,獨立非執行董事兼提名委 員會主席。馮先生自一九八六年八月開始於浙 江大學任教,自一九九八年七月起晉升至教授 及博士生導師,主要負責教學及科研工作。馮 先生曾擔任浙江大學光學工程研究所所長、光 學成像工程研究所所長及光電信息工程系系主 任。馮先生於一九八三年七月在浙江大學獲得 光學儀器工程學士學位,並於一九八六年七月 在同所大學獲得光學儀器工程碩士學位。馮先 生自二零一六年五月起出任杭州遠方光電信息 股份有限公司(股票代碼: 300306 )的獨立非 執行董事。其自二零一六年四月起擔任本公司 之獨立非執行董事。馮先生具備極其資深的光 學行業的專業知識,同時在風險管理及戰略規 劃方面均有豐富的經驗,並且有多年的董事委 員會領導經驗。