Annual Report 2021

52 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 Mr. Zhang Zhiping ( 張志平 ), aged 53, is a general manager of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. Mr. Zhang graduated from Hunan Radio and Television University in 1992. Prior to joining the Group in April 2006, Mr. Zhang acted as the deputy factory manager in Sintai Optical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ( 信泰光學 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 ). Mr. Chen Huiguang ( 陳惠廣 ), aged 58, is a general manager of Sunny Infrared Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Infrared Optics. Mr. Chen obtained a bachelor’s degree in optical instruments from Zhejiang University in 1983. He also obtained a master’s degree in engineering from Zhejiang University in 1992. Prior to joining the Group in January 1999, Mr. Chen worked in Xintian Precision and Optical Instrument Company Limited ( 新天精密光學儀器 公司 ). In 2015, he was granted the title of “Elite of Ningbo City-Award for Expert with Outstanding Contribution to Ningbo City” ( 甬城精 英-寧波市有突出貢獻專家獎 ) by Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, and was appointed as an executive director of Chinese Society for Optical Engineering. Mr. Chen was awarded the qualification for senior engineer of professor level in 2016. At the same time, Mr. Chen was entitled to the special government allowance of the State Council in 2016. Mr. Chen was obtained the title of “2013-2017 Yuyao Top 10 Technological Researchers” in December 2017. Mr. Guo Jingchao ( 郭景朝 ), aged 59, is a general manager of Sunny Xinyang Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Xinyang Optics. Mr. Guo obtained a bachelor’s degree from Changchun University of Science and Technology in 1986, and a master’s degree in engineering management from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2002. Prior to joining the Group in February 2001, Mr. Guo worked in Henan Costar Group Co., Ltd. ( 河 南中光學集團有限公司 ). He served as a deputy general manager in both Henan Costar Group Co., Ltd. ( 河南中光學集團有限公司 ) and Nanyang Lida Optic-electronics Co., Ltd. ( 南陽利達光電有限公司 ). In 1997, Mr. Guo obtained a qualification of senior engineer issued by China North Industries Group Corporation. 張志平先生, 53 歲,為舜宇中山光學總經理, 負責舜宇中山光學的日常經營管理事務。張先 生於一九九二年畢業於湖南廣播電視大學。在 二零零六年四月加入本集團前,張先生於信泰 光學(深圳)有限公司任副廠長。 陳惠廣先生, 58 歲,為舜宇紅外光學總經理, 負責舜宇紅外光學日常經營管理事務。陳先生 在一九八三年於浙江大學取得光學儀器專業學 士學位,並在一九九二年在浙江大學取得工學 碩士學位。在一九九九年一月加入本集團前, 陳先生在新天精密光學儀器公司工作。其於二 零一五年獲中共寧波市委頒發的「甬城精英- 寧波市有突出貢獻專家獎」,並獲任為中國光 學工程學會常務理事。陳先生於二零一六年獲 教授級高級工程師資格。同時,陳先生於二零 一六年享受國務院政府特殊津貼。陳先生於二 零一七年十二月獲「 2013-2017 年度餘姚市十 佳優秀科技工作者」稱號。 郭景朝先生, 59 歲,為舜宇信陽光學總經理, 負責舜宇信陽光學日常經營管理事務。郭先生 於一九八六年於長春光學精密機械學院取得學 士學位,並於二零零二年於南京理工大學取得 工程管理碩士學位。在二零零一年二月加入本 集團前,郭先生於河南中光學集團有限公司工 作,曾獲任為河南中光學集團有限公司副總經 理兼南陽利達光電有限公司副總經理。郭先生 於一九九七年獲中國北方工業集團總公司頒授 的高級工程師資格。