Annual Report 2021

59 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Continuous Professional Training In compliance with code provision C.1.4 of Corporate Governance Code, the Company arranges and provides fund for all the Directors to participate in continuous professional development organised in the form of in-house training, seminars or other appropriate courses to keep them refresh of their knowledge, skill and understanding of the Group and its business or to update their skills and knowledge on the latest development or changes in the relevant statutes, the Listing Rules and Corporate Governance Code and practices. Newly appointed Director would receive an induction training covering the statutory regulatory obligations of a director of a listed company. Circulars or guidance notes are issued to Directors and senior management by the Company, where appropriate, to ensure the awareness of Corporate Governance Code and the recommended best practices. All Directors participate in continuous professional development to develop and refresh their knowledge and skills. This is to ensure that their contribution to the Board remains informed and relevant. During the year of 2021, all Directors received a total of over 180 hours of trainings, including internally-facilitated sessions as well as external seminars/programmes on the topics relevant to their duties as Directors. To summarise, the Directors have received the below trainings to enhance their skills and knowledge during the year: Training area 培訓領域 Environmental, social and governance management Anti-malpractice Corporate strategy and risk management Corporate governance 環境、社會及 管治管理 反舞弊 公司戰略及 風險管理 企業管治 Executive Directors 執行董事 Mr. Ye Liaoning 葉遼寧先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mr. Sun Yang 孫泱先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mr. Wang Wenjie 王文杰先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Non-executive Director 非執行董事 Mr. Wang Wenjian 王文鑒先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Independent non-executive Directors 獨立非執行董事 Mr. Zhang Yuqing 張余慶先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mr. Feng Hua Jun 馮華君先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mr. Shao Yang Dong 邵仰東先生 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 持續專業培訓 為遵守企業管治守則條文第 C.1.4 條,本公司就 全體董事參加以內部培訓、研討會或其他適當 的課程形式的持續專業發展作出安排並提供資 金,使彼等更新其知識、技能及對本集團及其 業務的理解,或使彼等在有關法規、上市規則 及企業管治守則及常規的最新發展或變動方面 更新技能及知識。新委任的董事將接受入門培 訓,內容包括上市公司董事法定監管義務。本 公司會在適當情況下向董事及高級管理層發出 通函或指引,確保彼等知悉企業管治守則及建 議最佳常規。 所有董事均參與持續專業發展,發展並更新其 知識及技能,以確保其繼續在具備全面資訊及 切合所需的情況下對董事會作出貢獻。於二零 二一年年內,所有董事共得到了超過 180 小時 的培訓,包括內部促進會議以及與董事職責相 關主題的外部研討會╱課程。 概括來講,董事於年內已接受以下培訓,以加 強彼等的技能及知識: