Annual Report 2021

65 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 • the candidate’s availability including time commitment to discharge his or her responsibility as a Director, including being able to devote sufficient time to attend Board meetings, participate in induction, trainings and other Board and Company associated activities (In the case of a candidate who will be nominated as an independent non-executive Director will be holding his or her seventh (or more) listed company directorship, the Nomination Committee should consider the reasons given by the candidate for being able to devote sufficient time to discharge his or her responsibility as an independent non-executive Director); • the candidate for the position of an independent non-executive Director must comply with the independence criteria as prescribed under the Listing Rules (as amended from time to time); • the current size and composition of the Board, the needs of the Board and the respective committees of the Company; • the succession planning of members of the Board to ensure the leadership continuity and smooth functioning of the Group; and • any other factors that the Nomination Committee and/or the Board may consider appropriate. The Nomination Committee and the Board shall ensure that the composition of the Board is in conformity with the laws of the Cayman Islands, the Listing Rules and all other applicable laws and regulations. Nomination Procedures The recruitment, identification, evaluation, recommendation, nomination, selection and new appointment or re-appointment of each proposed Director shall be assessed and considered by the Nomination Committee and the Board against the Selection Criteria as set out in this Nomination Policy. • 候選人就履行其董事職責能投入的時間, 包括能投入足夠時間出席董事會會議,入 職引介、培訓及其他與董事會及本公司相 關之活動(如果將被提名為獨立非執行董事 的候選人將出任他╱她第七家(或以上)上 市公司董事職務,提名委員會應考慮候選 人提供的理由以顯示他╱她能夠投放足夠 時間履行其作為獨立非執行董事的職責); • 獨立非執行董事的候選人必須符合(不時修 訂的)上市規則所載之獨立性標準; • 董事會現時的規模和組成、董事會及本公 司各委員會的需要; • 董事會成員的繼任計劃,以確保本集團的 領導連續性及平穩運作;及 • 提名委員會及╱或董事會認為適合的任何 其他因素。 提名委員會和董事會應確保董事會的組成符合 開曼群島法例、上市規則和所有其他適用法律 法規。 提名程序 每位擬委任董事的招聘、物色、評估、推薦、 提名、甄選及新委任或重新委任均應由提名委 員會及董事會根據本提名政策中載列的甄選標 準進行評估及考慮。