Annual Report 2021

75 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 員工多元化 本集團致力於為員工營造多元化的工作環境。 董事會將根據上市規則持續監督及檢討員工多 元化。下表概述員工(包括高層管理人員)的多 元化比率: 附註: (1) 高層管理人員為管理職位在副部長及以上或專業 技術層級在高級工程師及以上的人員;其中,高 層管理人員中女性比例約為 17.5% 。 (2) 中層管理人員為管理職位為課長及部長助理或專 業技術層級為工程師的人員。 (3) 基層人員為除高層管理人員及中層管理人員外的 所有人員。 Workforce Diversity The Group aims to provide a diversified working environment to the workforce. The Board will continue to monitor and review the workforce diversity in accordance with the Listing Rules. Set out below is the table summarising the diversity ratio among the workforce (including the senior management members). Category Employee structure As at 31 December 2021 類別 員工結構 於二零二一年十二月三十一日 Number Proportion 人數 比例 Gender 性別 Male 男性 15,071 61.1% Female 女性 9,593 38.9% Age group <30 14,388 58.3% 年齡組別 30-39 8,464 34.3% 40-49 1,458 5.9% ≥50 354 1.5% Type of employees 僱員類型 Formal employees 正式僱員 23,149 93.9% Trainees 實習生 1,515 6.1% Position 職位 Senior management members (Note 1) 高層管理人員(附註 1 ) 627 2.5% Middle management members (Note 2) 中層管理人員(附註 2 ) 3,625 14.7% Grass-roots employees (Note 3) 基層員工(附註 3 ) 20,412 82.8% Region 地區 Mainland China 中國內地 24,131 97.8% Other regions 其他地區 533 2.2% Notes: (1) Senior management members include personnel with management title of deputy department head and above or with professional technical title of senior engineer and above; approximately 17.5% of senior management members are female. (2) Middle management members include personnel with the management title of division manager and assistant of department head or with professional technical title of engineer. (3) Grass-roots employees include all personnel other than senior management members or middle management members.