Annual Report 2021

79 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 The Group has organised and established a risk management group (“ Risk Management Group ”) headed by the Chief Executive Officer, responsible for daily management related to risks of the Group. All of the Group’s subsidiaries have also established their risk management teams, responsible for risk management of their own. At the same time, the Group has engaged a world-renowned consultant institution as the risk management consultant to assist the Group in building effective risk management overall framework so as to ensure the adequacy of resources, staff qualifications and experience, staff training programmes and relevant budget of the Group’s risk management, internal audit and reporting function. The Board believes that a heightened focus on risk and compliance is beneficial for the ongoing development and growth of the Company as well as its staff. In establishing the ERM system, all key functions of the Company were carried out by the Risk Management Group of the Group to undertake the following exercises: 1. Enterprise risk assessment – to identify and prioritise the Group’s key business risks; 2. Enterprise risk response – to assess the related internal controls and risk mitigating measures; 3. Risk management implementation monitoring – to review the inspection report on implementation of risk management and follow up with the response situation every month; 4. Build the library of key risk indicators – to recognise existing risk monitoring indicators, monitor the running conditions of the indicators and timely make risk warning; 5. Improve the risk checklist – to identify and build a risk checklist which is suitable to the actual situation of the Company; 6. Risk management and multi-system integration – to integrate risk management with strategic management, the International Organization for Standardization (“ ISO ”) system, the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (“ FEMA ”) system and other systems; 本集團已組建了由行政總裁擔任組長的風險管 理工作小組(「 風險管理工作小組 」),負責本集 團風險相關的日常管理工作。本集團所有附屬 公司亦成立了風險管理工作團隊,負責各自公 司的風險管理工作。同時,本集團聘請國際知 名諮詢機構擔任風險管理顧問,協助本集團構 建有效的風險管理整體框架,以確保本集團在 風險管理、內部審核及匯報職能方面的資源、 員工資歷及經驗、員工所接受的培訓課程及有 關預算是足夠的。 董事會認為,高度專注於風險及合規情況有利 於本公司及其員工的持續發展及成長。於建立 企業風險管理系統時,本公司所有關鍵職能均 由本集團風險管理工作小組執行,並推行以下 舉措: 1. 企業風險評估-識別本集團主要業務風險 並區分優先次序; 2. 企業風險應對-評估相關內部監控及降低 風險的措施; 3. 風險管理落實情況監督-審議風險管理落 實情況檢查報告且每月跟進應對情況; 4. 建立關鍵風險指標庫-識別現有風險監控 指標,監控指標的運行情況,並及時進行 風險預警; 5. 完善風險清單庫-識別並建立符合本公司 實際情況的風險清單庫; 6. 風險管理與多體系融合-將風險管理與戰 略管理、國際標準化組織(「 ISO 」)體系、 失效模式與效應分析(「 FEMA 」)體系等多 體系融合;