Annual Report 2021

81 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Raised risk awareness and talent development • Empowered personnel of every level with risk management capabilities; • Basically possessed capabilities of KRI construction and optimization, risk management self-examination, internal empowerment of risk management and dynamic management in each business segment and department; • Summarized the risk management experience, formed excellent cases of risk management construction, shared the case construction experience with external enterprises for many times and received several awards from external institutes; • Developed specialized courses of risk management; and • Established a team of professional talents for risk management in each business segment and department. Risk management performance appraisal and digitalization construction • Risk management was incorporated into the performance appraisal of each business segment and department and two performance appraisals were conducted in the middle of the year and at the end of the year; • The Risk Management Group formulated the risk management appraisal standards and scoring rules; and • Each business segment and department conducted the intelligentized construction of risk management to achieve online and dynamic management. Normalized risk management • Reviewed the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s risk management system, and reviewed significant risks and emerging risks with department heads; • Monitored the operating results of the KRI every month and gave a timely warning on the indicator results; • Monitored precautionary results of KRI every month, analyzed abnormal causes, formulated improvement plans, and integrated response plan management for daily risks; 提升風險意識及人才培養 • 各層級人員風險管理能力賦能; • 各事業分部和部門基本具備 KRI 建設與優 化、風險管理自查、風險管理內部賦能及 動態化管理能力; • 總結風險管理經驗,形成風險管理建設優 秀課題案例,多次與外部企業分享建設經 驗及獲得數項外部學會獎項; • 開發風險管理專項課程;及 • 各事業分部和部門已建立風險管理專業人 才隊伍。 風險管理績效考核與數字化建設 • 各事業分部和部門的風險管理工作納入績 效考核,開展年中、年終兩次績效考核; • 風險管理工作小組制定風險管理考核標準 和評分規則;及 • 各事業分部和部門開展風險管理數智化的 建設,風險管理進行線上化、適時化的動 態管理。 風險管理常態化 • 檢討本集團風險管理系統是否足夠和有效 並與部門主管檢討重大風險及新興風險; • 每月監控 KRI 運行結果,並對指標結果進行 及時預警; • 每月監控 KRI 預警結果,分析異常原因,制 定改善計劃,並聯動日常風險應對計劃管 理;