Annual Report 2021

86 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 第六階段 監控 各事業分部和部門持續跟進 KRI 運行情況和風 險應對計劃的實施情況及有效性,及時作出風 險預警,調整應對計劃,並定期向本集團內相 關管理層匯報風險。內部審計部每年獨立審閱 風險管理體系建設的充足性及有效性,把審閱 結果及改善建議提報至審核委員會。 實施該實用及有效框架後,風險管理已滲入每 一個職能部門,以解決任何潛在嚴重的內部監 控缺失。 集團風險報告 本集團面對各種風險及不確定因素,有關主要 風險乃本集團為實現其戰略目標而必須承受的 風險,倘沒有妥善處理,可能會對本集團的運 營帶來不利影響。全面的風險評估及風險減緩 措施有助於確保任何潛在嚴重的內部監控缺失 及主要風險得到適當管理及有效控制,並確保 根據上市規則妥善處理發佈內幕消息。以下乃 董事會截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 已識別的主要潛在風險。 Phase 6 Monitoring Each business segment and department continues to follow up the operation situation of KRI, implementation and effectiveness of the risk response plan, makes timely risk warning, adjusts response plan and reports risks regularly to the relevant management within the Group. The internal audit department independently reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the construction of risk management system per annum, and submits the review results and recommendations on improvement to the Audit Committee. With this practical and effective framework, risk management has been integrated into each functional department to resolve any possible material internal control defects. Group’s Risk Report The Group faces various risks and uncertainties. The relevant key risks are the risks that the Group must take in order to achieve its strategic objectives. If they are not handled properly, it might bring adverse impact to the operations of the Group. A comprehensive risk assessment and risk mitigation measures help ensure possible material internal control defects and key risks are properly managed and effectively controlled, and ensure inside information is properly handled and disseminated in accordance with the Listing Rules. The followings are the principal potential risks that the Board has identified for the year ended 31 December 2021.