Annual Report 2021

87 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Business and Strategic Risk Business and Strategic Risks: 業務及戰略風險 業務及戰略風險: – The uncertainty of changes in regulatory, political environment, trading environment, the development trend of industries and other external environment in the region where the Group operates and COVID-19 may result in significant adverse impact to the Group’s international roadmap, business performance, market share and prospects for development and/or the ability to implement its strategy. - 本集團營運所在地區監管、政治環境、貿易環境、行 業發展趨勢等外界環境變化的不確定性及 COVID-19 , 可能使本集團的國際化路線、業務表現、市場份額、 發展前景及╱或戰略的落地受到重大不利影響。 – Proactively monitoring the industry trends, competitors and innovative products; - 積極監察行業趨勢、競爭對手及創新產品; – Proactively monitoring and preparing for global and local changes in supervisory regulations that may affect the Group; - 積極監察和準備應對可能影響本集團的全球及地方監管 規例變動; – Enhancing supersaturated investment in emerging strategic industries to quickly complete the strategy rollout; - 加大新興戰略產業超飽和投入,迅速完成戰略展開; – Increasing investments in new businesses and cultivating new growth points; - 加大新事業投入,培育新的增長點; – Dynamically updating the development strategies of the Company and regularly adjusting the means and methods of promoting strategic objectives according to the situations; - 動態更新本公司發展戰略,根據形勢不斷調整推進戰略 目標的方式和手段; – Continuing to facilitate the construction of overseas production bases and equity investment; - 持續推動海外生產基地的建設及參股投資; – Continuing to identify cooperation risks between customers and supply chain; and - 持續開展客戶、供應鏈合作風險識別;及 – Implementing corresponding projects of monitoring, increasing strategic flexibility and specially reserving resources for strategy. - 實施對應項目監控,增加戰略靈活性及為戰略特備資源。