Annual Report 2021

90 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Public Safety Emergency Risks: 突發公共安全事件風險: – Subject to external factors such as natural disasters and pandemic, public safety emergencies may affect the enterprise as a going concern. Prevalence of COVID-19 may occur in India, Vietnam and China, and the instability of the pandemic may cause the disruption of the Group’s businesses. - 受外部自然災害、疫情等因素所致,突發公共安全事 件可能會影響企業的持續經營。 COVID-19 在印度、越 南及中國均可能出現疫情反覆情況,疫情發展的不穩 定性,可能造成本集團業務中斷。 – Proactively monitoring the external development of public safety emergencies; - 積極監察突發公共安全事件外部發展趨勢; – Improving emergent contingency plans for public safety emergencies; - 完善突發公共安全事件應急預案; – Regularly organizing the emergency management team of public safety emergencies and holding emergency meetings; - 定期組織突發公共安全事件應急管理小組,召開突發事 件應急會議; – Implementing grid management and emergency management work to all grid leaders, and carrying out publicity and management to all employees; - 實行網格化管理,突發事件應急管理工作落實到各網格 長,宣傳及管理落實到每一位員工; – Strengthening the management of public safety emergencies of overseas subsidiaries; and - 加大海外附屬公司突發公共安全事件管理;及 – Basing on the local national and governmental pandemic prevention work arrangements, timely adjusting the pandemic prevention work of the Company and its subsidiaries. - 根據當地國家及政府的防疫工作安排,適時調整本公司 及附屬公司的防疫工作。