Annual Report 2021

91 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Human Resource Risks: 人力資源風險: – The demand of the Group’s development cannot be fulfilled if there is insufficient human resource reserve, which thereby affects the Group’s production plan and operation. It might render the Group’s products or production methods uncompetitive; - 人力資源儲備不足,將使本集團的發展需求無法得到 充分滿足並影響本集團的生產計劃及執行,可能導致 本集團的產品及生產方法失去競爭力; – Failure in the optimization of human resource allocation and insufficient incentive mechanism may lead to loss of talents, work stoppages and other labour related issues, which may adversely affect the Group’s operation; and - 人力資源分配的優化程度不夠及激勵機制不足,有可 能會引致人才流失、停工及其他勞工問題,對本集團 的經營構成不利影響;及 – As overseas investment increases, the difference in employment overseas and within China may lead to risks in overseas employment. - 隨著海外投資的增加,海外用工與國內存在差異性, 可能存在海外用工風險。 – Carrying out organization diagnosis regularly, formulating talent plan that matches the Company’s strategies to reserve talents in advance; - 定期開展組織診斷,制定與本公司戰略匹配的人才規 劃,提前儲備人才; – Proactively promoting the production line automation; - 積極推進生產線自動化; – Carrying out talent evaluation and assessment regularly, hiring and retaining talents with attractive incentive program; - 定期對人才進行盤點及評估,並以具有吸引力的獎勵計 劃聘用及挽留人才; – Re-formulating the remuneration strategy and improving the remuneration incentive mechanism; - 重新制定薪酬策略,完善薪酬激勵機制; – Improving the entire life cycle management of cadre to optimize the rank system; - 完善幹部全生命週期管理,優化職級體系; – Driving the transformation of human resource services into a three-pillar model to bring more human resources business partners (“ HRBP ”); - 推動人力資源三支柱轉型,快速擴充人力資源業務合作 夥伴(「 HRBP 」); – Carrying out multilevel talent development programs to improve employees’ business standard; - 開展多層次的人才培養計劃,提高員工的業務水平; – Strengthening the construction of corporate culture to enhance employees’ satisfaction and engagement; and - 加強企業文化建設工作,提升員工滿意度與敬業度;及 – Optimizing the systematized management mechanism of overseas employment recruitment, remuneration and personnel. - 優化海外用工招聘、薪酬及人事等系統化的管理機制。